Leconte, Romain
La décennie passée serait celle de « crises » ou d'un « retour » des frontières dans le débat public européen et dans les politiques des États. Pour comprendre comment s'opère ce retour, la thèse étudie la médiatisation des frontières dans la presse ouest-européenne. Au croisement de la géographie politique et de l'étude des médias, j'analyse quand...
Miller, Michelle A Astuti, Rini Hirsch, Philip Marschke, Melissa Rigg, Jonathan Saksena-Taylor, Poonam Suhardiman, Diana Tan, Zu Dienle Taylor, David M Varkkey, Helena
Published in
Political geography
COVID-19 has changed the permeability of borders in transboundary environmental governance regimes. While borders have always been selectively permeable, the pandemic has reconfigured the nature of cross-border flows of people, natural resources, finances and technologies. This has altered the availability of spaces for enacting sustainability init...
Miller, Michelle A Astuti, Rini Hirsch, Philip Marschke, Melissa Rigg, Jonathan Saksena-Taylor, Poonam Suhardiman, Diana Tan, Zu Dienle Taylor, David M Varkkey, Helena
10.1016/j.polgeo.2022.102646 / POLITICAL GEOGRAPHY / 97 / Completed
Koch, Natalie
This article examines a dominant vision in contemporary geopolitics, in which the world is imagined as divided between liberal and illiberal political systems, clustering around the two conceptual nodes of “democracy” and “authoritarianism”. It considers how these conceptual nodes are imagined, mapped, and brought to life through writing, policies,...
Cabrera Toledo, Lester
The objective of this article is to understand, from the perspective of critical geopolitics, how the discourses of territorial conflicts between Chile and Peru in the 21st century have been represented by each of the parties, while at the same time establishing underlying elements that they go beyond the official conceptions issued by the States. ...
Rogulis, Dovydas
Published in
Lithuanian Foreign Policy Review
Abstract This thesis seeks to find out how NATO military interventions in Kosovo, Libya and Afghanistan have affected relations with Russia. In order to achieve the aim and hypothesis of the study, the critical geopolitical approach is chosen as a theoretical framework. A schematic critical geopolitics conceptualization of Gearóid Ó. Tuathail is us...
Toureille, Étienne
L’image de l’ « Europe » comme un continent doté de limites inflexibles et indiscutables est largement partagée dans l’opinion publique des pays traditionnellement considérés comme européens. Dans le milieu des années 2000, les débats liés aux référendums sur le Traité Constitutionnel (2004-2005) conduisent pourtant un certain nombre d’acteurs poli...
Kurfürst, Jaroslav
Published in
Studies in East European Thought
The article revisits scholarly conceptualizations of Russian geopolitical traditions focusing on the pre-Soviet “classical period” and attempts to offer an alternative, more general typology with the goal of decomposing different traditions and comparing the interaction of their constituent parts. It contests the purity of any tradition and present...
Regnier, Cindy
Approche historique et critique de la géopolitique
Shim, David
Published in