Barría Herrera, Pamela Zurita Garrido, Felipe Andres
The present text seeks to identify the roles and actions expected of the education community, described by different school coexistence policies in Chile, that is to say, from the macro-policies that guide their implementation in schools. From a documentary analysis, seven documents will be reviewed. These are two laws related to school coexistence...
Andrades Moya, Jonathan Vidal Espinoza, Rubén Gómez Campos, Rossana Pérez Álvarez, Eugenio Cossio Bolaños, Marco Antonio
Los problemas de convivencia escolar (CE) forman parte de las preocupaciones en elambiente educativo. La investigación busca identificar los estudios cuantitativos que hanutilizado instrumentos de evaluación de CE y verificar la cantidad de instrumentosaplicados en los últimos diez años. Se efectuó una revisión sistemática utilizando la basede dato...
Martínez Burbano, Liliana Elizabeth Villota Garrido, Liliana Villacrez Oliva, María Victoria
Coexistence has been breaking down more and more in all social spaces, such as schools, which have now become a focus of violence and, therefore, one of their tasks is to support the family and society, with the integral formation of the new generations, so that cordiality, respect, an attitude of dialogue, social responsibility, a critical spirit,...
Trujillo Tabares, Víctor Daniel Palacio Peralta, Nilva Rosa
This article shows the results of a research conducted with educational agents as political subjects, of an educational institution in the municipality of Turbo, where the objective was to reveal the relationship between the conceptions of inclusive education and the actions that affect school coexistence, from the qualitative paradigm, critical so...
Villanueva Ospinal, Rossana Valenzuela Moncada, Carolina Chirinos Gastelu, Teresa Giovanna
In educational institutions, students find spaces for interaction, school coexistence and decision-making, with all the agents of the educational community, but at the same time in these spaces originate intertwined phenomena such as school violence, an adverse school coexistence for learning and decision-making that lead to situations of confronta...
Zechi, Juliana Aparecida Matias Vinha, Telma Pileggi
Faced with the problems of coexistence in schools, Moral Education Research Group - GEPEM developed the program “Ethical coexistence at school”, which proposes the implementation of actions that aim to contribute to improving the quality of school coexistence and the conflict solution process. This article presents an exploratory research of a desc...
Paredes Zavaleta, Elton Martín
The main objective of this research article was to analyze the importance and influence of Inclusive Education in the school life of public schools in different parts of the world. The Methodology used was based on a bibliographic review with a type of Documentary Research. As results it is corroborated that Inclusive Education improves school coex...
Luna Bernal, Alejandro César Antonio De Gante Casas, Alejandra Sandoval Martínez, Josefina
El presente estudio tuvo como objetivo analizar la relación entre la atención plena disposicional y tres estilos de manejo de conflictos interpersonales (agresivo, pasivo y cooperativo), en adolescentes de secundaria. Se realizó un estudio con enfoque cuantitativo de tipo no experimental con diseño transversal y alcance correlacional. Participaron ...
Olvera, Adriana Carro Gutiérrez, José Alfonso Lima
Resumen Ante los resultados poco efectivos que demostró el enfoque correctivo para atender el fenómeno de la violencia, aparecieron propuestas orientadas a la prevención, demostrando que es mejor anticiparse a las conductas antisociales que corregirlas. En ese marco, el tema de la convivencia escolar se ha inscrito como una herramienta de trabajo m...
Tognetta, Luciene Regina Paulino Avilés Martínez, José María Knoener, Darlene Ferraz Matos, Ana Luiza Aparecida de Bomfim, Sanderli Aparecida Bicudo
Numerous studies have warned the urgent necessity for educational institutions to organize a systematic, planned and intentional program so that coexistence in school becomes a valuable asset. Furthermore, both studies and legislation on education emphasize the need for schools to carry out specific actions to counter and prevent violence manifesta...