Pesquero Bordón, Jimena Spatola, Iael
This article describes and analyzes the role of environmental issues in electoral campaigns from a subnational perspective. Through the case study of the environmental conflict that arose in the province of Río Negro, Argentina, following the government’s announcement of the installation of a nuclear power plant in the territory and the reconfigura...
Rotger, Daniela Vallejo, Noelia Giusso, Cecilia Dominella, Agostina Martinez Damonte, Rosario
El sector sudeste de la ciudad de La Plata, Argentina, ha registrado a lo largo de los últimos años profundas transformaciones derivadas de un veloz proceso de expansión urbana, impulsado por el mercado inmobiliario, las políticas estatales de acceso a la vivienda y la creciente preferencia por vivir en un entorno natural. Este rápido crecimiento s...
Sereno Marín, César Arturo
Access to information and access to justice are fundamental rights that have a synergistic link. However, little has been studied about them and their challenges in the face of the current environmental crisis. In this context, the present work aims to analyze the importance of access to information as a negentropic element for environmental justic...
Gutman, Margarita Nesprias, Javier Puppo, Ximena Carla
Este artículo presenta el análisis de un conjunto de demandas por conflictos ambientales referidas a cinco grandes unidades administrativas cuyos territorios forman parte, en mayor o menor medida, de la cuenca Matanza-Riachuelo y de la cuenca de desagüe directo al Río de la Plata. El corpus documental del trabajo se compone de videos, artículos o p...
Talego, Félix del Río, Ángel Coca, Agustín
Analizamos el conflicto que desde 1970 se mantiene entre diversos actores acerca de una de las más importantes colonias de buitre negro (Aegypius monachus) de la Península: entre los partidarios de los eucaliptos y los partidarios de los buitres. Se trata de un conflicto a la vez patrimonial y ambiental. Veremos cómo el buitre negro a un lado y el ...
Sessano, Pablo
Este material constituye una propuesta de educación ambiental (EA) que tiene como propósito general aportar al trabajo docente del nivel secundario una metodología para abordar contenidos socioambientales desde una perspectiva crítica y problematizadora de la realidad, como es la pedagogía del conflicto. Busca profundizar debates educativo ambienta...
Bouzo, Soledad Fernández
The emergence of environmental fi lms and environmental fi lm festivals is part of a production process of images and sounds related to the proliferation of environmental confl icts in Latin America and in the whole world. This process is relatively new in Argentina and it manifest, among other things, in the production of documentary fi lms made b...
Wagner, Lucrecia Pinto, Lucas Henrique
This paper tackles environmental conflicts generated for struggles for land and water, facing the advance of the extractive frontier -principally, monocultures and mega mining- from the action of social movements in Brazil and Argentina.Considering the currents of environmentalism which get into a dispute over the appropriation of natural commons, ...
Ramírez Hernández, Andrés
The article provides some general outlines about a first approach to the analysis of the environmental conflicts in Bogotá. Equally, it intended to propose the concept environmental conflict in the analysis of situations which, further environmental degradation, involve complex social-political dynamics. Two cases studies: Eastern Hills and Tunjuel...
Serrano Cardona, Nicolás
This article offers a brief analysis of the relationship between civil society and the State in regards to the environmental conflict surrounding the wetlands of Córdoba in Bogotá, Colombia. Approaching the conflict as an opportunity to resolve social and political tensions, the article examines the transformation of the environmental and political...