Sim, Seungbeom
La preuve est un élément essentiel dans toutes les étapes de la procédure pénale. L’administration de la preuve est la première étape pour l’adoption des preuves. Le ministère public et la partie poursuivie peuvent librement les déposer devant le juge qui décide ou non de la culpabilité de la personne poursuivie en les adoptant à l’audience. L’admi...
Boutry, Philippe
Le livre publié par Philippe Artières en 2020 sous le titre Un séminariste assassin. L’Affaire Bladier, 1905 retrace et analyse avec une rare acuité un meurtre atroce commis dans le Cantal l’année de la séparation des Églises et de l’État : le 1er septembre 1905, au village de Raulhac Jean-Marie Bladier, dix-sept ans, élève du petit séminaire de Sa...
Navarro Ribeiro Dantas, Marcelo Lucena de Castro, Thiago Soares Castelli...
Agential epistemic injustice in criminal prosecution occurs when declarations taken in moments of reduced capacity for self-determination receive excessive credibility. Specifically in the context of recanted out-of-court confessions, the article investigates which legal criteria for the rational evaluation of evidence could prevent agential injust...
Saba, Mariano
Both María Zambrano and Rosa Chacel developed specific studies on confession. A certain coincidence between their postulates indicates that both authors considered that literary genre as an expression of a new type of knowledge, detached from rationalist excesses, no longer legitimized by ocularcentric erudition, but by the knowledge of one’s own s...
Vettier, Chloé
La honte d’être un homme, y a-t-il une meilleure raison de s’écrire ? Regard de soi sur soi, regard de l’autre sur soi, la honte est une expérience constitutive de la subjectivité. Rien d’étonnant à ce que la honte représente donc un thème majeur des écrits de soi depuis des siècles. Saint Augustin et Jean-Jacques Rousseau, qui ont marqué des génér...
Morris, George
This thesis examines the history of confession as an intimate practice in England through four microhistorical case studies. In the introduction, I briefly outline a broad history of confession and trace the outline of what I argue already forms the history of intimacy. I propose that a promising way to deepen the study of the history of intimacy i...
Hidalgo Lehuedé, Jorge Mardones Bravo, Camila
In 1748, the Indians associated with the town of Socoroma, Parish of Codpa, Corregimiento of Arica, filed a complaint against their coadjutor priest Pedro Cáceres for several abuses and bad exercise of his pastoral work, before the Bishop of Arequipa. The contrast between the statements of those who supported the complaint (inhabitants of the north...
Fortanet Fernández, Joaquín
The analysis of the confession in Foucault's work based on the comparison between Les anormaux, Mal faire, dire vrai and Les aveux de la chair shows one of the most relevant displacements in Foucault's work, which constitutes a good part of the essence of what has been called the last Foucault: the relation of the subject and the truth. An attempt ...
Kramer, Sherianne Bowman, Brett
Published in
Female-perpetrated sexual abuse (FSA) is often seen as rare and of little consequence. Confessing to being a victim of FSA is infrequent and often met with incredulity. Identifying as such a victim is thus often a response to an incitement to speak in the mode of confession. Interviews producing the possibility for such confessions were conducted w...
Alarcón, Édynson
The incidence of the ficta confessio or presumed confession is analyzed within the framework of application of art. 72 of L. 834-78 and its non- conflict, with respect to civil procedure, neither with the constitutional principle of non-self-incrimination nor with the notion of due process. It is argued that silence or elusive responses during the ...