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with Competencias del siglo XXI as keyword
Miranda Mendoza, Carolina Rodríguez Sepúlveda, Angela María Téllez Sánchez, Francisco Javier
The objective of this article is to analyze the impact of 21st century competencies marked by technological advances, on the dynamics and demands of current social contexts, particularly in teaching-learning processes. This analysis is carried out from an educational perspective based on the (theoretical review) interpretation of research and studi...
Macías Galeas, Isabel
This study addresses the transformation and challenges of higher education in the digital age, highlighting the importance of innovative strategies for competency development in the 21st century. The objective is to analyze global trends such as digitalization, personalized learning, and the integration of emerging technologies that are redefining ...
Jarvio Fernández, Antonia Olivia
This paper addresses the reconfiguration of reading from the irruption of ICT. The role of education in the development of competencies for the 21st Century and the need to learn new languages to face the emerging discursive categories is highlighted. The urgency of the study of the behaviors associated with these environments in the university con...
López Sieben, Mónica
En los últimos años se ha producido un cambio espectacular en nuestro entorno dominado por grandes transformaciones sociales, económicas y políticas. La globalización de los mercados, la innovación tecnológica y, en general, toda la evolución del modelo de sociedad hacia una sociedad del conocimiento altamente inter-conectada, ubicua e inter-depend...