Cardozo Uzcátegui, Alejandro Cardozo, Lubio
The article proposes a transdisciplinary view of Venezuelan poetic art and its political-ideological linkage during the Cold War (1948-1991) with an analysis methodology on age groups, to demonstrate the ideological affiliations of the emanated subsets in a “Catalog of representative sample of poets and militancies” starting from several research q...
Martínez, Camila
This article aims to address the labor conflict carried out by the workers of the yerba mate mill “Martin y Cía.” in Rosario, which occurred in May and June 1935. The protest acquired special relevance in a context marked by the resurgence of social conflict at a national level, after a period of repression and economic crisis. The objective is to ...
Rozand, Jocelyn
L’objet de cette recherche est d’analyser un évènement d’importance dans l’histoire française, le Front populaire, dans un cadre territoriale plus restreint, le département de l’Isère tout en s’inscrivant dans un jeu d’échelles multiples du local jusqu’à l’international. Nous avons cherché à faire l’histoire de ce Front populaire depuis sa naissanc...
Murmis, Ezequiel Patricio
This article aims to analyze the characteristics assumed by the policy of exclusion of the Communist Party during the government of José María Guido in Argentina (1962-1963). It studies the way in which this exclusion was implemented in the national politics and the labor movement, considering that in both fields, the government sought to curb the ...
Reid, Donald
Do militants expelled from the Communist Party ever leave it behind? Jorge Semprún was a Communist resister captured and sent to Buchenwald, where he worked in the sui generis Communist organization there. He spent almost two decades in the party, half of those years organizing the Communist underground in Franco’s Spain. Expelled in 1964, he becam...
Doyon, Jérôme Froissart, Chloé
By tracing the Chinese Communist Party's (CCP) 100 years, this special issue brings to light the organisation's contradictions, setbacks, and changes in direction, together with its long-term evolution. Taking a step back from the current focus on the historical juncture of the twentieth CCP Congress, and on Xi Jinping himself, our long-term approa...
Temlali, Yassine
En Algérie en 1963, un an après la disparition de la chaire de berbère dans le naufrage de l’Université coloniale, des revendications estudiantines portant sur le « développement de la langue kabyle » et la « création d’un institut d’enseignement du berbère » ont connu un destin éphémère. Formulées en commission du Ve congrès de l’Union générale de...
Staltari, Silvana Andrea
The aim of this article is to analyze how the Communist Party in Argentina attempted to apply the popular-front strategy, and how it was done in the tradeunions organization, during the Peronist governments (1946-1955). The focus will be the relationships between the members that were to be part of that strategy and the members of the Party itself....
Cruz Mondino, Juan
This article aims to address thecharacterization and militant intervention of the Argentine Communist Party (PCA) in the Province of Santa Fe during the 1960s, until 1976. There we will analyze how the Party understood the provincial agrarian structure of the time, which consisted of backward agriculture, marked by the survival of semi-feudal hindr...
Cunha, Paulo
Paredes pintadas da revolução portuguesa is, unequivocally, one of the least seen, least analyzed, and least discussed films in the filmography of António Campos. The purpose of this text is to analyze the film in its context, namely about the historical period in which it was shot and about António Campos’ paths / Paredes pintadas da revolução por...