lilja, jannie eklund, niklas tottie, ester
The aim of this study is to explore civic literacy as an approach to counter disinformation in democracies. From group interviews, we elicit, categorize, and analyze diverse perspectives on disinformation in Sweden, previously upheld as a country with high civic literacy levels. We focus on people’s understandings of disinformation, their assessmen...
Hydén, Lars-Christer Ekström, Anna Majlesi, Ali Reza
Published in
Health (London, England : 1997)
This study shows how concerted bodily movements and particularly intercorporeality play a central role in interaction, particularly in joint activities with people with late-stage dementia. Direct involvement of bodies in care situations makes intercorporeal collaboration the basic form for engaging with people with late-stage dementia. By detailed...
Mangbo, Erik Unosson, Sara
De flesta av oss kommer någon gång i livet att komma i kontakt med hälso- och sjukvården. Väntetiderna i vården är ett ämne som diskuteras i Sverige. Regeringen fattade ett beslut om att minska vårdköerna och år 2010 blev vårdgarantin lagstadgad på nationell nivå. Lagarna säger att regionerna har ett ansvar att patienter ska få vård inom en viss t...
Burbano Urbano, Esthefany
Lunaressens is a concept with the goal of spreading awareness about the menstrual cycle and breaking down taboos and stigma around the subject so that women can feel more accepted and encouraged to embrace their cyclical nature. The concept is primarily aimed at women because they are cyclical individuals regardless of which stage of life they are ...
Tun, Thet
Background: In an era defined by rapid change and economic transformation, the traditional barriers that once separated academia and entrepreneurship are dissolving. In this changing environment, a distinct category of individuals emerges: Student Entrepreneurs. These individuals possess a unique combination of academic competence with the vision...
Guyader, Hugo
The sharing economy is anchored to two opposite logics: sharing and market exchange. This results in tensions between a pro-social orientation and communal norms on the one hand (i.e. solidarity, mutuality, generalized reciprocity and communal belonging) and a for-profit orientation and market norms on the other hand (i.e. profit maximization, self...
Avelar, Beatriz
After the attacks by Hamas on Israel on October 7th and the offensive on Palestine that followed, a group of young Palestinians have taken the role of sharing witness of the ongoing genocide through social media. This thesis investigates how these citizen journalists are bearing witness to the ongoing genocide and how social media audiences are rea...
Winberg, Maja Zetterberg, Karolina
Under Oscarsgalan 2022 uppstod ett mediadrev mot den folkkära artisten Will Smith efter att han under sändningstid steg upp på scenen och slog komikern Chris Rock i ansiktet. Händelsen orsakade massiv kritik mot Smith och klassades som en skandal för både honom och hans karriär. Efter skandalen har Smith uttalat sig om händelsen och bett om ursäkt ...
Isaksson, Elias
This research analyses the narratives surrounding the International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) by the Swedish military personnel who participated in the mission. ISAF was a NATO led operation between 2001 and 2014, with the objective to support and train Afghan security forces following the rule of the Taliban in Afghanistan. Sweden, who at t...
Christell, Julia Tallmar, Hanna
Livs, eventuellt tänker du på ditt favoritlivs nedanför porten vid din lägenhet, kanske vet du inte vad det är eller så har du kanske aldrig besökt ett livs, men ställt dig frågande till hur de kan finnas kvar, då är denna kandidatuppsats avsedd för just dig. Vårt fokus med denna kandidatuppsats har varit att fylla kunskapsgapet om Malmös livs med ...