Madianga Nkwekial, Jean Jacques
La Cour africaine des droits de l’homme et des peuples, siégeant à Arusha en Tanzanie, connaît une croissance exponentielle de son activité contentieuse. La jurisprudence de ses premières années s’est caractérisée par de nombreuses références aux décisions des autres juridictions et quasi-juridictions de protection des droits de l’homme. Elle s’est...
Mavrouli, Roïla
L’urgence climatique ainsi que les récents procès visant les obligations des États en matière environnementale viennent interroger la perspective de l’environnement comme bien commun. Pourtant, les termes « bien commun », « communauté », « patrimoine commun de l’humanité » brouillent les pistes concernant la nature de l’appréhension juridique de l’...
Bloch, Francis Fabrizi, Simona Lippert, Steffen
We model entry decisions of rival firms into a new market with uncertain common entry costs, potential product market competition, and experimentation. We show that a separating equilibrium, where firms enter only when they learn that the cost is low and are immediately followed by their rival, always exists. We also show the existence of pooling e...
Åman, Elisabeth
This study analyses four texts for Swedish as a Second Language in an Adult Education textbook published in 2018. The target group has passed the first level of beginners’ studies. The study concerns how the texts represent different life conditions in general and more specifically how otherness is shown in the Swedish majority society. It also con...
Dosis, Anastasios
A seller with perfect monopoly power trades an indivisible object with a buyer. Both the seller's and the buyer's valuations for the object depend on its quality, which is privately known by the seller. Moreover, the seller has perfect information about the buyer's valuation for each quality. Even though posting a fixed price is ex ante optimal, it...
Hedenborg Högqvist, Madeleine
Bakgrund : Psykiatrisk vård inkluderar förutom att reducera psykiatriska sjukdomssymtom, hälsofrämjande insatser för att stödja patientens utveckling mot positiva aspekter av hälsa. Vården skall utgå från ett hälsofrämjande perspektiv där patientens egna upplevelser uppmärksammas. Psykiatrisk omvårdnad kan beskrivas utifrån olika perspektiv. Det en...
Kotowski, Maciej H. Li, Fei
Published in
Games and Economic Behavior
Frattini, Franco
Published in
European View
This article provides an overview of the European Union’s role following the turmoil in the Arab world, which is causing significant changes to the geopolitical balance of power in the Middle East. The article analyses the refashioned European strategy towards its southern neighbourhood, a strategy aimed at promoting sustainable stability and econo...
Wegmann, Bertil
The aim of this thesis is to develop efficient and practically useful Bayesian methods for statistical inference in structural second-price auctions. The models are applied to a carefully collected coin auction dataset with bids and auction-specific characteristics from one thousand Internet auctions on eBay. Bidders are assumed to be risk-neutral ...
Abbink, Klaus Brandts, Jordi Pezanis-Christou, Paul
International audience