Dentler, Jonathan
Le projet Early Conflict Photography 1890-1918 and Visual AI (EyCon) vise à exploiter des outils de vision par ordinateur reposant sur l’intelligence artificielle pour analyser un large corpus de photographies de conflits, en particulier les conflits coloniaux. L’article explicite les objectifs du projet, en se concentrant sur les Albums Valois, qu...
Rodríguez Cardona, Mariola
Artificial intelligence is a technological advancement that has been under development and discussion for several decades. However, the phenomenon has brought forward in recent years a global response to regulate it due to the implications that its use has on the human and constitutional rights of people in various areas, such as health and employm...
Panata, Sara Ramondy, Karine
En 2015, le réalisateur franco-congolais Alain Kassanda prend sa caméra pour filmer ses grands-parents, Colette Mujinga et Justin Kassanda. Guidés par les questions de leur petit-fils, Colette et Justin parcourent leurs histoires de vie et de couple depuis leur appartement parisien. Au fil du récit, leurs souvenirs font défiler l’histoire du Congo,...
Connors, Scott
This dissertation studies the development of reformist political culture in South India during the last decades of East India Company rule in the mid-nineteenth century. Through an analysis of a wide-ranging body of South Indian sources, including mass petitions (some signed by as many as 70,000 individuals), pamphlets, speeches, polemical writings...
Nur Goni, Marian
This discussion took place on January 19, 2021. Since then, much has happened in the museum landscape and at the Rautenstrauch-Joest Museum itself (RJM), especially regarding the restitution debate and the transfer of property of the Benin bronzes held in German collections to Nigeria, which also involves the RJM1. Just to name but a few projects, ...
Fivez, Robby
On the 18th of October 1908, the Belgian parliament voted in favour of the Belgian take-over of the Congo Free State from the Belgian king Léopold II, who had privately owned the Congolese territory but was forced to give up ‘his’ colony after the international outcry over the well-known Congo atrocities. With this vote, the Congolese territory off...
Dentler, Jonathan
Le projet Early Conflict Photography 1890-1918 and Visual AI (EyCon) vise à exploiter des outils de vision par ordinateur reposant sur l’intelligence artificielle pour analyser un large corpus de photographies de conflits, en particulier les conflits coloniaux. L’article explicite les objectifs du projet, en se concentrant sur les Albums Valois, qu...
Bollenot, Vincent
En 1923, un Service de contrôle et d’assistance des indigènes des Colonies en France (CAI) est institué à la direction des Affaires politiques du ministère des Colonies. Sa mission est de surveiller les originaires des territoires sous domination, dont la présence en métropole est constituée à la fin des années 1910 comme un problème public. Puisan...
Bisschop, Alisson
The Royal Museum for Central Africa in Tervuren, now called AfricaMuseum, reopened in December 2018 after a long period of renovation in order to rethink and “decolonize” the institution. The introduction of contemporary art was essential in this process; indeed, several artists were selected to take part in the museum's new permanent exhibition. T...
De Boeck, Filip; 21683;
Un siècle après la fondation de l’École coloniale supérieure à Anvers, le musée voisin du Middelheim invite la chercheuse et curatrice Sandrine Colard à créer une exposition qui interroge les histoires silencieuses du colonialisme à la lumière du site. Le mot Congoville désigne les traces visibles et invisibles de la colonie, non pas sur le contine...