Lundgren, Daniel
Sammanfattning: Teorier om luftmakt tar sin historiska utgångspunkt i resursstarka stormakters behov, varför de förutsatt stora resurser och avancerad teknik. För småstater har detta förhållande varit problematiskt då de varit tvungna att använda sig av stormakternas luftmaktsteorier trots att förutsättningar saknades i form av resurser och teknik....
Öhman, Karl
During the cold war small states Air Forces operated as tactical resources in coalitions led by superpowers. After the cold war small states face new threats where the ability to fight independently is crucial to survival. Most of today’s air power theories focus on superpowers and do not mention specific details about its applicability within the ...
Baral, Shawon Kumar
Fossil-fuel vehicles are one of the main causes of CO2 emissions nowadays. As we are moving toward cleaner environment electrification of vehicles are becoming more and more popular. With the environment in mind, the recent improvement in battery technology and electronics has drawn a lot of attention to Brushless DC or BLDC motors. Due to their h...
Ribeirete, Mateus Lourenço Becker, Marcia Regina
Este artigo apresenta uma análise comparativa do desligamento/morte do personagem HAL 9000 presente no longa-metragem 2001 – Uma Odisseia no Espaço, dirigido por Stanley Kubrick, e no romance homônimo publicado por Arthur C. Clarke, ambos de 1968. HAL 9000 é o computador inteligente da nave Discovery One, o personagem mais impactante, desenvolvido ...
Lahti, Henrik
Denna uppsats granskar Shaun Clarkes teori om strategic persuation oriented targeting. Teorin beskriver hur strategisk påverkan av beslutsfattare ska ske genom utnyttjandet av luftmakt. En nation med begränsade resurser bör nyttomaximera användningen av stridsflyg. Israeliska offensiva flygoperationer analyseras i en jämförande studie av Sexdagarsk...
Bergman, Nicklas
Svensk doktrin stipulerar att grunden för Försvarsmaktens uppträdande att avskräcka olika aktörer från att använda våld. Detta ifrågasätts här grundat på att avskräckning oftast utgår ifrån numerär överlägsenhet, och Sverige kan anses ha en hotbild från regionala stormakter. Vilka luftoperativa förmågor kan då ligga bakom en avskräckande effekt hos...
Abdullaev, S. F. Maslov, V. A. Nazarov, B. I. Madvaliev, U. Davlatshoev, T.
Published in
Atmospheric and Oceanic Optics
Aerosol migration of heavy metals is considered. Analysis of the background contamination of the soil by heavy metals showed that the invasion of a dust haze from the South-West border results in an increased concentration of Sc, Zn, Ni, Cu, Ca, Sr, and Ge in aerosol particles as compared to the soil of the dust haze propagation zone. A strong migr...
Agestam, Oscar
Utopia, the perfect society, is a concept linked with the perfect human being. These concepts are the focus of Arthur C. Clarke's The City and the Stars, and this essay will examine how the text challenges ideas of humanity and utopia. The two utopias are presented in The City and the Stars, with one branch of genetically engineered humans on Earth...
Arthur, Richard T. W.
Published in
Foundations of Science
In this paper I offer a fresh interpretation of Leibniz’s theory of space, in which I explain the connection of his relational theory to both his mathematical theory of analysis situs and his theory of substance. I argue that the elements of his mature theory are not bare bodies (as on a standard relationalist view) nor bare points (as on an absolu...
Leaman, Oliver
United Kingdom