kučerová, michaela
Obsahem projektové práce dokumentace je starý Bubenečský hřbitov. Hřbitov se nachází v Praze v městské části Praha 6. V návrhu je kladen důraz na vytvoření prostoru pro všechny obyvatele. / The content of the project work documentation is the old Bubeneč cemetery. The cemetery is located in the Prague 6 district of the city of Prague. The design fo...
XU, JIACHENG (author)
What relationship can a cemetery have with the city?
Since the first garden cemetery was built in the early nineteenth century, this concept spread rapidly throughout Europe. Until now garden cemetery is still the common form of cemeteries in European cities. With the concept of garden cemetery, cemeteries exist in the urban fabric as a public spac...
Mcgregor-Lowndes, Myles Hannah, Frances
Supreme Court New South Wales, Court of Appeal, Bell CJ, Ward P, Leeming JA, 16 February 2024
An appeal court decision on whether a charitable trust existed (and then survived consolidating legislation) over the fees collected by statutorily created trusts to administer denominational burial portions of a public cemetery.
Pons Mata, Esmeralda Carabal Montagud, María Ángeles
La musealización de cementerios como estrategia de conservación de los mismos implica un análisis exhaustivo de la historia del recinto, revelando los valores y prácticas de las sociedades precedentes. Con un enfoque específico en el Cementerio Municipal de Alzira, se resalta el impacto de la revolución industrial y la burguesía en el estilo funera...
Sire, Dominique
L’œuvre d’Eça de Queiroz, romancier portugais de la deuxième moitié du XIXe siècle offre la particularité d’inclure davantage d’ouvrages posthumes que de publications du vivant de l’auteur. La raison en est certainement une exigence de perfection poussée à l’extrême ainsi que sa mort prématurée en 1900, à l’âge de 55 ans, laissant de côté e nombreu...
Portier, Tristan
The cemetery movement (ca. 1825-1852) was a unique moment in burial history, when funereal capitalism took hold of major urban centers, resulting in the construction of vast graveyards detached from the parish structure, whose professional management and aesthetic innovations clearly inspired aspects of the cemeteries resulting from the later 1850s...
Dorso, Simon Gleize, Yves Mercier, Élise
International audience
Bony, Jordy
Le cadavre humain, pour ne pas dire le corps humain privé de vie dans tous ses états (désagrégation biologique, accidents, etc.), ainsi que ses restes, doivent-ils être qualifiés d’objets de droit ou de sujets de droit ? Si le rejet de la personnification semble être une piste évidente (extinction de la personnalité juridique), l’acception de la qu...
Codoni, Nora Andrea
Fear is a feeling that has always been with us and is used to move us due to its particular ability to generate pleasure and pain at the same time. This situation challenges the different branches of art that masterfully pour it into their creations. Architecture is one of them; it addresses fear in two different ways: the architecture of dominance...
Bourgeois, Luc
International audience