A Good Beginning is Half the Task? Synodality in Belgium
status: published
status: published
Predmetom diplomovej práce je návrh objektu sakrálnej stavby katolíckeho kostola s pastoračným centrom a dotvorenie okolitých parkových plôch na riešenom pozemku územia Praha 14 Černý Most. Cieľom projektu je doplnenie chýbajúcej občianskej vybavenosti, vytvorenie duchovného centra a lokálnej dominanty. / The subject of the diploma thesis is the de...
El Concilio Vaticano II, asamblea que entre 1962 y 1965 reunió a más de dos mil obispos procedentes de distintas partes del mundo, supuso todo un proceso de reestructuraciones que transformaron la perspectiva que la Iglesia católica tenía sobre sí misma y sobre su relación con el mundo contemporáneo. El presente artículo pretende aproximarse a los ...
International audience
Published in Zeitschrift für Pädagogik und Theologie
Die VI. Kirchenmitgliedschaftsuntersuchung der Evangelischen Kirche Deutschlands wurde dank ihrer Kooperation mit der katholischen Deutschen Bischofskonferenz zu einer deutschlandweiten Repräsentativbefragung. Dieser Beitrag beleuchtet diese Untersuchung aus katholisch-religionspädagogischer Perspektive. Zu Fragen familialer und institutioneller So...
The article is devoted to the analysis of the careers of three personages from different strata of the nobility in Lesser Poland, who began their careers with activities for the Republic of Poland, and then devoted themselves to the service of the Catholic Church at the end of their lives. The fate of Aleksander Skrzyszowski, a minor nobleman and s...
Prince Jerzy Zbaraski (1574–1631) was one of the most eminent Polish politicians in the first half of the 17th century. A descendant of an old princely family which ruled a large latifundium in the south-eastern borderlands, well educated, fluent in several foreign languages, he had all the predispositions to play an outstanding role in the history...
The paper compares the interpretation of the concept of ideology within educational research undertaken by certain Catholic scholars, with the secular problematization of this concept on the grounds of both Polish and foreign educational studies. By using the example of selected theorists representing Catholic pedagogy, the author aims to demonstr...
In Europe Christianity faces steady decline, causing dwindling attendance at
churches. As a result congregations are no longer able to afford the upkeep for their churches, forcing them to end services in these buildings. This caused many grand and historic church buildings to become vacant, and means that many will follow in the near future. Becaus...