Bava, Sophie
Cet ouvrage a pour ambition d'explorer le rôle joué par le religieux dans le renouvellement de la question migratoire, mais également d'apprécier la place de la migration dans les recompositions religieuses contemporaines entre le Sénégal, le Burkina Faso, l'Égypte, la Tunisie, le Maroc et l'Argentine. Dans la migration, la religion façonne les ide...
Tall, Emmanuelle Kadya
Afroukh, Mustapha
(CEDH, gde ch., 1er juillet 2014, n° 43835/11, S.A.S. c/ France, JCP 2014. 974, note A. Levade ; AJDA 2014. 1348 ; ibid. 1763, chron. L. Burgorgue-Larsen ; ibid. 1866, étude P. Gervier ; D. 2014. 1451, et les obs. ; ibid. 1701, chron. C. Chassang ; RSC 2014. 626, obs. J.-P. Marguénaud ; RTD civ. 2014. 620, obs. J. Hauser)
Dugast, Stéphan
Dugast, Stéphan
Chenu, Candice German, ronan Gressier-Soudan, Eric Levillain, Florent Astic, Isabelle Roirand, Vincent
The theme of this year?s conference ?Open Museums and Smart cities: Storytelling and Connected Culture? relates significantly to the lines of research and experimentation of the CULTE (Cultural Urban Learning Transmedia Experience) project that began in 2013 and that will lead to the development of an ambitious transmedia pervasive game in and arou...
Chenu, Candice German, Ronan Gressier-Soudan, Eric Levillain, Florent Astic, Isabelle Roirand, Vincent
The theme of this year’s conference “Open Museums and Smart cities: Storytelling and Connected Culture” relates significantly to the lines of research and experimentation of the CULTE (Cultural Urban Learning Transmedia Experience) project that began in 2013 and that will lead to the development of an ambitious transmedia pervasive game in and arou...
Tall, Emmanuelle Kadya
In this paper, the author discusses the power of vodun leaders in present-day Benin, and more specifically anti-witchcraft cults born from the encounter with world religions. Offering an analysis inspired by Louis Marin's theory on power in its representation, the author illustrates her analysis through the portrait of a vodun leader with a view to...
Tall, Emmanuelle Kadya
In this paper, the author discusses the power of vodun leaders in present-day Benin, and more specifically anti-witchcraft cults born from the encounter with world religions. Offering an analysis inspired by Louis Marin's theory on power in its representation, the author illustrates her analysis through the portrait of a vodun leader with a view to...
Libchaber, Rémy
International audience