This work is part of a more general idea consisting in developing a macroscopic model of grain growth whose state variables contain for each material point the statistical descriptors of the microstructure (e.g., disorientation, grain size and shape distributions). The strategy is to determine macroscopic free energy and dissipation potentials on t...
Report of sacroiliac morphology changes during growth is limited in the literature and the interest of such morphology and its consequence for surgery is increasing. Aims of this work are (1) to anatomically define the sacroiliac joint (SIJ), and (2) to assess the influence of growth on the sacroiliac morphology and the pelvic parameters. Forty-nin...
The link between phenotypic plasticity and heterosis is a broad fundamental question, with stakes in breeding. We report a case-study evaluating temporal series of wood ring traits of hybrid larch ( Larix decidua × L. kaempferi and reciprocal) in relation to soil water availability. Growth rings record the tree plastic responses to past environment...
Philippe, G.Gobin, RémyRousselle, YvesGirard, S.Matz, S.
Ce rapport présente les actions entreprises en 2018 par Irstea, l'INRA, l'ONF et le CNPF dans le cadre du programme d'évaluation des variétés issues des vergers à graines de l'Etat. Elles concernent essentiellement le Douglas et les mélèzes. Pour le Douglas, le bilan des résultats obtenus 5 ans après plantation dans 24 dispositifs du réseau nationa...
Le mélange d'essences au sein d'un peuplement forestier peut-il influencer l'état et le fonctionnement de l'écosystème ? Des effets sont observés sur la productivité du peuplement, la résistance aux pathogènes, la biodiversité de la forêt ou la consommation en eau. Ils varient en fonction des essences en présence, de la fertilité stationnelle, et, ...
Helluy, M.Prévosto, BernardBalandier, PhilippeDonès, Nicolas
The frequency and severity of extreme weather events are increasing as a result of climate change. The effects on Mediterranean forests are expected to include events such as longer summer droughts in the near future. Management strategies are thus needed to increase forest resilience. Models are useful tools to test adaptive management strategies ...