Bourdon, P. Hulard, N. Gustave, F. Liméry, A. Goular, D. Planchat, C. Lombard, L.
Coherent beam combining (CBC) by active phase control is an efficient way to power scale fiber amplifiers but its bandwidth of operation of CBC can be limited. Deep-learning techniques offer some capability for fast retrieval of the laser phases from the shape of the interference pattern generated through combining, in order to increase the speed a...
Chopin, Frédérique
International audience
Kraïem, Sofiane
Space manipulators allow to respond to a variety of problems in future space exploitation and exploration such as on-orbit deployment, active debris removal or servicing operations. However, a difficulty to autonomously control space manipulator systems arise with large and light structures presenting flexible behavior. Flexible dynamics remain a c...
Chevalier, Christophe Larrarte, Frédérique
For centuries, the interaction between the transport and hydrographic networks represents a signifcant issue in a country such as France. For example, the French railway network includes 1700 river-crossing structures and an important length of embankments either forming river banks or adjacent to watercourses exposed to scouring processes. Recentl...
Leiva-Padilla, Paulina Blanc, Juliette Salgado, Aitor Hammoum, Ferhat Hornych, Pierre
Truck platooning for the transportation of loads is a strategy recently proposed by the automotive sector to cope with traffic congestion, fuel consumption, and operational costs. This new way of configuring trucks changes the typical pressures pavements structures experience. For this reason, the research efforts of the pavement sector should be a...
Gourdain, Nicolas Dumon, Jéromine Bury, Yannick Molton, Pascal
Purpose The transonic buffet is a complex aerodynamics phenomenon that imposes severe constraints on the design of high-speed vehicles, including for aircraft and space launchers. The origin of buffet is still debated in the literature, and the control of this phenomenon remains difficult. This paper aims to propose an original scenario to explain ...
Cadiou, Bastien
Over the last decade, it has been shown that non-linear absorbers can bring significant benefits in terms of vibration damping and shock resistance, all for a very low added mass. Unlike absorbers already existing in industry, these devices involve a highly non-linear dynamics, which involves developing original approaches to modeling and design. V...
Baroghel Bouny, Véronique Dierkens, Michaël
Les présentes recommandations définissent des dispositions destinées à prévenir les dégradations du béton par des cycles de gel-dégel avec ou sans sels de déverglaçage. Le domaine d'application est celui des bâtiments non courants ou des ouvrages de génie civil soumis à du gel modéré avec emploi de sels de déverglaçage ou à du gel sévère. Elles s'a...
COEUGNET, Stéphanie MARS, Franck BUENO, Mercedes SENTOUH, Chouki POPIEUL, Jean-Christophe KOUSTANAI, Arnaud PAUZIE, Annie TATTEGRAIN, Hélène
Using an integrative user-centered approach, the research project aimed at designing and assessing an adaptive HMI to improve the safety and the quality of the take-over in a level-3 automated vehicle. Future autonomous driving users confirmed the need for the monitoring systems to improve safety as long as they are simple and not intrusive. They r...
Meyer, Luc
The main contribution of this paper is the development of a H based state observer for noisy Linear Parameter Varying (LPV) systems affected by Unknown Inputs (UI). The observer is constructed in order to be unbiased (in particular the state estimation error is independent of the UI) and with a minimum L_{2} transfer between the perturbations (assu...