Abdellatif, N. Daoud, Y. Fekih Salem, R. Sari, T. Lobry, C. Harmand, J.
In this symposium, we present mathematical analyses of models related to the growth and coexistence of species of micro-organisms in the chemostat. These works were carried out within the TREASURE network. The symposium consists in 4 presentations : Anaerobic digestion (by N. Abdellatif), Synthrophic relationship in the chemostat (by Y. Daoud), Int...
Fekih Salem, R. Lobry, C. Sari, T.
This paper deals with a two-microbial species model in competition for a single-resource in the chemostat including general intra- and interspecific density-dependent growth rates with distinct removal rates for each species. In order to understand the effects of intra- and interspecific interference, this general model is studied by determining th...
Ulrich, W. Jabot, F. Gotelli, N.J.
Non-random patterns of species segregation and aggregation within ecological communities are often interpreted as evidence for interspecific interactions. However, it is unclear whether theoretical models can predict such patterns and how environmental factors may modify the effects of species interactions on species co-occurrence. Here we extend a...
Prévosto, B. Gavinet, J. Monnier, Y. Corbani, A. Fernandez, C.
Mixed plantations have been receiving increasing attention for their documented or supposed potential benefits over monospecific plantations. In particular, the use of neighbouring (or nurse) vegetation around target plants can enhance their performance through limitation of the competing herb layer, and can also improve their morphology. Here we e...
Bourdier, Thomas Cordonnier, Thomas Kunstler, Georges Piedallu, Christian Lagarrigues, Guillaume Courbaud, Benoit
Published in
PloS one
Plant structural diversity is usually considered as beneficial for ecosystem functioning. For instance, numerous studies have reported positive species diversity-productivity relationships in plant communities. However, other aspects of structural diversity such as individual size inequality have been far less investigated. In forests, tree size in...
Fernandez, C. Monnier, Y. Santonja, M. Gallet, C. Weston, L.A. Prévosto, B. Saunier, A. Baldy, V. Bousquet-Mélou, A.
In contrast to plant-animal interactions, the conceptual framework regarding the impact of secondary metabolites in mediating plant-plant interference is currently less well defined. Here, we address hypotheses about the role of chemically-mediated plant-plant interference (i.e., allelopathy) as a driver of Mediterranean forest dynamics. Growth and...
Gobin, R. Balandier, P. Korboulewsky, N. Dumas, Y. Seigner, V. Richter, C.
L'adaptation des forêts aux changements climatiques est un enjeu crucial pour l'avenir. Sachant que, dans bien des cas, il faudra faire face à un problème de disponibilité en eau, une des stratégies consisterait à diminuer la densité des peuplements forestiers pour limiter le stress hydrique. Mais si, profitant de la réduction du couvert arboré, la...
Fekih Salem, R. Sari, T.
Dans ce travail, nous étudions un modèle de deux espèces microbiennes en compétition sur un seul nutriment dans un chémostat avec des taux de croissances densité-dépendants intra et inter-spécifique. Nous démontrons, pour des termes de compétition inter-spécifique assez faibles, la convergence globale vers l'équilibre de coexistence pour toute cond...
Haegeman, Bart Sari, Tewfik Etienne, Rampal S.
Published in
Journal of Mathematical Biology
Ecological trade-offs between species are often invoked to explain species coexistence in ecological communities. However, few mathematical models have been proposed for which coexistence conditions can be characterized explicitly in terms of a trade-off. Here we present a model of a plant community which allows such a characterization. In the mode...
Ngo Bieng, Marie Ange Perot, Thomas de Coligny, François Goreaud, François
Published in
European Journal of Forest Research
Spatial pattern has a key role in the interactions between species in plant communities. These interactions influence ecological processes involved in the species dynamics: growth, regeneration and mortality. In this study, we investigated the effect of spatial pattern on productivity in mature mixed forests of sessile oak and Scots pine. We simula...