von Münchhausen, SusanneKirwan, JamesMaye, DamianMuñoz-Rojas, JoséPinto-Correia, TeresaProsperi, PaoloVergamini, Daniele
Globalization of food chains and scale increases in business models are dramatically affecting rural areas in Europe, by a simplification of land use, new urban-rural relations and reshaped social networks. While pressures on land use systems have been increasing due to the competition on commodity markets, the role of territorially embedded produc...
This document presents the progress of harvests and planting in the MED-Amin countries based on data collected from the network’s focal points and from various sources as appropriate (press releases from the Ministries of Agriculture or their Grain Offices, international organizations mentioned hereafter, private consulting companies or press artic...
Les pays du réseau MED-Amin ont participé pour la troisième année consécutive à un exercice de prévision de récolte pour les cultures céréalières (blé tendre, blé dur et orge) qui a consisté à confronter des indicateurs agro-météorologiques d’observation terrestre fournis par le Secrétariat MED-Amin et le Centre Commun de Recherche de la Commission...
The MED-Amin network countries participated for the third consecutive year in a crop forecasting exercise for cereal crops (soft wheat, durum wheat and barley) which consisted in comparing agrometeorological indicators of terrestrial observation provided by the MED-Amin Secretariat and the Joint Research Centre of the European Commission (JRC) to f...
This bulletin reflects the progress of harvests and planting in the MED-Amin countries based on data collected from the network’s focal points and from various sources as appropriate (press releases from the Ministries of Agriculture or their Grain Offices, international organizations mentioned hereafter, private consulting companies or press artic...