'Emission trading has become recently more and more import in environmental regulation. In the context of controlling greenhouse gas emissions, the directive on a Europe wide trading scheme for large immobile sources may be perceived as one of the most important milestones in recent years. Prior to its start, however, a number of very specific desi...
'Was ist gerecht? In einer Welt zunehmenden Zugriffs auf die Natur stellt sich diese zentrale Frage auch fuer die Nutzung natuerlicher Ressourcen. In der internationalen Umweltpolitik bildet daher die Verteilung von Nutzungsrechten den Hintergrund fuer zahlreiche kontroverse Debatten. Diese werden exemplarisch fuer die Politikfelder Klima- und Biod...
'This paper gives a comprehensive overview on the GHG emission targets and the actual GHG emission developments in industrial countries since 1990. For selected countries, the decisionmaking processes leading to the voluntary targets and the national discussion about them will be outlined. From the background of these empirical results, we a) try t...
Oekonomische Modelle lassen vermuten, dass das Ausmass preisvermittelter negativer Kuppeleffekte (Market Leakage) bei Treibhausgas reduzierenden Massnahmen im zweistelligen Prozentbereich liegen kann. Dementsprechend verlangt das Uebereinkommen von Marakesch, dass Klimaschutzprojekte diesen Effekt beruecksichtigen. Dennoch wird er meistens ignorier...
'Regardless of whether or not the Kyoto Protocol enters into force, the EU may decide to set itself a long-term greenhouse gas emission target and thus to continue its leadership role in international climate policy. As for the first commitment period of the Kyoto Protocol, the EU may decide on a burden-sharing agreement as an integral part of such...
'The issue of terrestrial carbon sinks, officially labelled as Land use, Land-use change and Forestry (LULUCF) has been one of the most contentious and difficult issues in the international climate change negotiations. This study analyses the negotiation process on sinks from the third Conference of the Parties (COP 3) to COP 7 by using a multinomi...