Nguyen, Mai Lan Chazallon, Cyrille Sahli, Medhi Koval, Georg Hornych, Pierre DOLIGEZ, Daniel Chabot, Armelle Le Gal, Yves Brissaud, Laurent Godard, Eric
In this paper we present the results of the national French project SolDuGri dealing with pavement reinforcement by glass fiber grids. In this project, an accelerated pavements test (APT) was performed on 6 pavement sections to evaluate the in situ performance of the reinforcement on their lifetime. The tests consisted in building test sections wit...
GHARBI, Maissa BROUTIN, Mickael Schneider, Thomas Maindroult, Stephane Chabot, Armelle
Monitoring pavement condition during its service life is paramount in order to antici-pate and optimize the potential maintenance work. For this purpose, different non-destructive techniques (NDT) are used to evaluate the structure distresses condition and to provide necessary information for the maintenance tasks. On their own, they are limited to...
Leiva-Padilla, Paulina Blanc, Juliette Salgado, Aitor Hammoum, Ferhat Hornych, Pierre
Truck platooning for the transportation of loads is a strategy recently proposed by the automotive sector to cope with traffic congestion, fuel consumption, and operational costs. This new way of configuring trucks changes the typical pressures pavements structures experience. For this reason, the research efforts of the pavement sector should be a...
Marsac, Paul BLANC, Juliette Chupin, Olivier Gabet, Thomas Hammoum, Ferhat GARG, Navneet NGUYEN, Mai Lan
6th International Conference on Accelerated Pavement Testing , NANTES, FRANCE, 27-/09/2021 - 29/09/2021
Gharbi, Maissa Broutin, Michaël Boulkhemair, Ichem Nguyen, Mai Lan Chabot, Armelle
Non-destructive techniques (NDT) have emerged for the last decades to in-situ evaluate the pavement materials and interface conditions. These techniques turn out to be valuable tools to evaluate pavement bearing capacity, but present limitations to provide, on their own, reliable information about the interface bonding conditions. Developed in the ...
VU, Van Thang CHUPIN, Olivier PIAU, Jean Michel HAMMOUM, Ferhat
This article is related to the development of potholes in bituminous pavements possibly occurring in winter at negative temperature and in presence of pore water in the asphalt concrete (AC) layers. It was shown already that this type of degradation could be due to swelling of the AC pore water. A constitutive law was previously developed to model ...
Chabot, Armelle Hornych, Pierre Harvey, John Loria-Salazar, Luis Guillermo Buzz Powell, R. Romanoschi, Stefan A. Popescu, Constantin Coca, Ana-Maria Talebsafa, Mohsen Wang, Xu Dong
bahrani;, natasha
Pavement instrumentation with embeddable in-situ sensors has been a feasible approach to determine pavement deteriorations. Determining pavement deflections during the passage of the load is a promising strategy to determine the overall performance of the pavement. There are different devices that apply loads to the pavements and measure the deflec...
le;, minh-tu
The interface bond between layers plays an important role in the behavior of pavement structure. However, this aspect has not yet been adequately considered in the pavement analysis process due to the lack of advanced characterizations of actual condition. In many pavement design procedures, only completely bonded or unbounded interfaces between th...
MARSAC, Paul BLANC, Juliette CHUPIN, Olivier GABET, Thomas HAMMOUM, Ferhat GARG, Navneet NGUYEN, Mai Lan
The concept of truck platooning is to take advantage of the connectivity technologies and automated driving support systems to link trucks in close formation (convoy) in order to increase transport efficiency, reduce fuel consumption and gas emissions while improving road safety. However, closely guided trucks following each other could have a diff...