Nguyen, Mai Lan Chazallon, Cyrille Sahli, Medhi Koval, Georg Hornych, Pierre DOLIGEZ, Daniel Chabot, Armelle Le Gal, Yves Brissaud, Laurent Godard, Eric
In this paper we present the results of the national French project SolDuGri dealing with pavement reinforcement by glass fiber grids. In this project, an accelerated pavements test (APT) was performed on 6 pavement sections to evaluate the in situ performance of the reinforcement on their lifetime. The tests consisted in building test sections wit...
Leiva-Padilla, Paulina Blanc, Juliette Salgado, Aitor Hammoum, Ferhat Hornych, Pierre
Truck platooning for the transportation of loads is a strategy recently proposed by the automotive sector to cope with traffic congestion, fuel consumption, and operational costs. This new way of configuring trucks changes the typical pressures pavements structures experience. For this reason, the research efforts of the pavement sector should be a...
Pallas, Marie Agnès Cesbron, Julien Bianchetti, Simon Klein, Philippe Cerezo, Véronique Augris, Pierre Ropert, Christophe Pratico, Filippo G. Bianco, Francesco
In both the current and foreseen context of significant development of the electric vehicle (EV) fleet, a future increasing ratio of EVs in the urban traffic is expected, still enhanced in low-emission zones involving bans or restricted access to other vehicles. EVs are known to be quieter than conventional vehicles at low speed because of a low mo...
Deljanin, Emir Coiret, Alex Vandanjon, Pierre-Olivier
CETRA 2020, 6th International Conference on Road and Rail Infrastructure - Online, Pula, CROATIE, 20-/05/2021 - 21/05/2021
Vandanjon, Pierre-Olivier Coiret, Alex Deljanin, Emir
Energy consumed by road vehicles has a high impact on climate changes; indeed this energy use accounts for 23% of total energy-related Green House Gases (GHG) emissions of 2014 global GHG emissions. GHG emissions are growing constantly year after year, in spite of global objectives (COP) and researches on vehicle efficiency and modal shift. The con...
Coiret, Alex Fontaine, Martin Cesbron, Julien Baltazart, Vincent Betaille, David Coudouel, Denis Lea, Etienne
CETRA 2020, 6th International Conference on Road and Rail Infrastructure - Online, Pula, CROATIE, 20-/05/2021 - 21/05/2021
Load estimation of wheels, especially for heavy vehicles, is of importance for several reasons. First safety imposes to respect loading limits for a given tire, but the variety of road infrastructures or bridges passed by a vehicle are defining constraints of larger scales as structure resistance or pavement durability. Moreover, multiple-wheels lo...
In a context of climate change, lowering road vehicles consumption is a key point to meet CO2 reduction requirements. In addition to car technological advances, eco-driving is part of the solution but the road infrastructure should ensure its development. In a previous study, a gain of 5% in the spent energy was estimated on specific route by sligh...
Energy consumed by road vehicles has a high impact on climate changes; indeed this energy use accounts for 23% of total energy-related Green House Gases (GHG) emissions of 2014 global GHG emissions. GHG emissions are growing constantly year after year, in spite of global objectives (COP) and researches on vehicle efficiency and modal shift. The con...
Gharbi, Maïssa Chabot, Armelle Geffard, Jean-Luc Nguyen, Mai Lan
International audience