Lajarthe, Fanny Laigle, Lydie
Social movement scholarship has long attempted to apprehend the dynamic qualities of social movements. Considering the temporal embeddedness of social movement activities is essential because it leads to an understanding of continuity and change in the content and form of social movements in the long run. Because the past, the present, and the futu...
Berchoux, Tristan Hensengerth, Oliver Parsons, Dan
The Mekong Delta faces significant challenges in supplying Vietnam and its export market countries with agricultural commodities, while ensuring livelihoods and providing living space to its growing population in the context of climate change and the country’s agrarian transition. Anthropogenic factors, such as the construction of dykes to control ...
Lentile, Sylvia Bianne, Guillaume Chevalier, Christophe Schmidt, Franziska Rasol, Mezgeen Orcesi, André Adelaide, Lucas Nedjar, Boumediene
In a complex network such as a road infrastructure system, disruptive events have direct consequences (loss of lives, structural damage, economy losses etc.) related to the sub-system level directly affected, as well as indirect consequences on the overall system level such as loss of functionality and related monetary consequences. To quantify the...
Ventura, Anne
Published in
Frontiers in Sustainability
Transition can be defined as deep-structural changes in interrelated economic sectors. Climate change issue calls for a transition in which all actors can be involved and where the aim is the global interest rather than individual ones. LCA should be used to assess the environmental impacts of transition solutions, however, existing LCAs are not ad...
Boutonnier, Luc Boussafir, Yasmina Tourment, Rémy Courivaud, Jean-Robert
Avec des sécheresses en France de plus en plus courantes ou, à l'inverse, des épisodes pluvieux dont l'intensité ou la durée augmente, les exploitants sont confrontés à la gestion d'un parc de digues et barrages dont la vulnérabilité est parfois amplifiée par ces évènements. L'intensité des sollicitations hydrauliques est une première préoccupation...
Balandier, Philippe Korboulewsky, Nathalie Mårell, Anders Perot, Thomas
La probabilité est forte pour que les chênaies de la région Centre Val de Loire soient dans les prochaines décades le sujet, à la fois, de dépérissements marqués et d’un manque de régénération permettant le renouvellement des peuplements. Sur le dispositif OPTMix (Oak Pine Tree Mixture,, environ un tiers des chênes (Q. pet...
Ventura, Anne
PURPOSE : Dynamic LCIA has been developed in the past 12 years almost exclusively for climate change impact assessment, and especially the Global Warming Potential (GWP) indicator. Recently, discussions have taken place in France on the issue of integrating, a dynamic GWP indicator in the 2020 regulation (noted RE2020) on new buildings. This regula...
Belhouchette, Hatem
The Mediterranean Forum - MEDFORUM - is a bi-annual meeting point launched by CIHEAM in 2016 for PhD students and young researchers from the Mediterranean area. MEDFORUM aims to foster communication, dialogue and co-publications between various institutions conducting scientific research in the field of agri-food production and rural development in...
Machard, Anaïs Inard, Christian Alessandrini, Jean-Marie Pelé, Charles Ribéron, Jacques
With climate change projected warming temperatures, ensuring that buildings designed and built today will be adapted to future extreme heat is essential. For this purpose, the use of an optimisation algorithm is appropriate to identify best designs in both present and future climate. Future weather files with heatwaves allow to assess the overheati...
Xueref-Remy, Irène Nathan, Brian Milne, Mélissa Lelandais, Ludovic Riandet, Aurélie Lauvaux, Thomas Chen, Huilin Palstra, Sanne Scherren, Bert Armengaud, Alexandre
EGU 2021, European Geosciences Union General Assembly, Online, AUTRICHE, 19-/04/2021 - 30/04/2021