Benmoussa, T.Amrouni, O.Dezileau, L.Mahé, GilAbdeljaouad, S.
Recent sedimentary and morphological changes at the new mouth of Medjerda-River (Gulf of Tunis) are investigated using a multiproxy approach of sediment cores complited by 210Pbex and 137Cs method dating. The subject of the study is to focus on surveying the sedimentary evolution of Medjerda-Raoued Delta caused by the human intervention in the mana...
Le ponçage de carottes ou de rondelles de bois a pour but de rendre lisible les cernes d’accroissement annuels des arbres. Après séchage des échantillons, leur surface est traitée à l’aide d’abrasifs montés sur outils motorisés à mouvements circulaires ou linéaires, et en utilisant successivement des tailles de grains décroissantes. Cette mécanisat...
Tous les ans, nous extrayons un millier de carottes de sondages de tronc d’arbres vivants, avec une tarière de Pressler. Pour améliorer l’efficacité du carottage et réduire l’effort physique que sollicite le vissage manuel des mèches, nous avons conçu deux carotteurs mécaniques et portatifs qui nous donnent satisfaction depuis une quinzaine d’année...
Although a wealth of fascinating data have been obtained through the investigation of heavy metals in Greenland, Antarctic and Alpine snow and ice cores, heavy metals have until now never been measured in tropical snow and ice cores despite the great interest of such low latitude cores. We present here preliminary data on the occurrence of Al, Na, ...
Although a wealth of fascinating data have been obtained through the investigation of heavy metals in Greenland, Antarctic and Alpine snow and ice cores, heavy metals have until now never been measured in tropical snow and ice cores despite the great interest of such low latitude cores. We present here preliminary data on the occurrence of Al, Na, ...
Although a wealth of fascinating data have been obtained through the investigation of heavy metals in Greenland, Antarctic and Alpine snow and ice cores, heavy metals have until now never been measured in tropical snow and ice cores despite the great interest of such low latitude cores. We present here preliminary data on the occurrence of Al, Na, ...