SO 152 - TRACERZIRKEL. Teilprojekt 2: Durch die grossskalige Untersuchung des Methans und seiner C-Isotopenverhaeltnisse...
Invariant cross sections of intermediate mass fragments in peripheral collisions of "1"9"7Au on "1"9"7Au at incident energies between 40 and 150 MeV per nucleon have been measured with the 4#pi# multi-detector INDRA. The maximum of the fragment production is located near mid-rapidity at the lower energies and moves gradually towards the projectile ...
Purpose of this project was the large scale exploration of methane distribution in subtropical atlantic ocean along the mid-atlantic ridge. Isotope signatures of methane carbon, helium and methyl fluoride versus depth were investigated. The existance of methane plumes was evaluated. (uke) / SIGLE / Available from TIB Hannover: F03B1541 / FIZ - Fach...
United Kingdom
The aim of this work was to determine the "1"3C(#alpha#,n) reaction rate at the astrophysically relevant thermal energy of kT #approx# 8 keV. According to current stellar models, "1"3C(#alpha#,n) is considered to be the main neutron source for the s-process. A thermal energy of kT = 8 keV is equivalent to a Gamow window around 190 keV for #alpha#-p...
This thesis describes an experimental study of calixarate overbased detergent oil additives, used to neutralise acidic by-products of engine combustion. Aspects of interest in this study include experimental synthesis of calixarenes and overbased detergents, physical and structural characterisation and monitoring of the synthesis process. Two types...
This work has been a study of systems, mostly of sulfa-drugs, showing polymorphic behaviour. Using different means as solid state NMR, X-ray analysis, * and theoretical calculations, we have seen how it is possible to understand results obtained from the different techniques, proving how the study of polymorphic systems needs cooperative advice fro...