The 'Air' Department of the Federal Environmental Agency initiated a quality management system according to DIN EN ISO/IEC 17025 in order to carry out its tasks as a EU reference laboratory for air pollution monitoring. Harmonisation of measurements is attempted not only in the Federal Republic of Germany but world-wide. This is to be achieved by s...
Eine Thoron-Referenzkammer wurde im Laboratorium ''Umweltradioaktivitaet'' der PTB entwickelt. Stabile und homogene Thoron-Referenzatmosphaeren zur Kalibrierung von Thoron-Messgeraeten werden erzeugt. Aktivitaetskonzentrationen in Luft zwischen 1 kBq/m"3 und 10 kBq/m"3 werden mit Hilfe einer Vieldraht-Impuls-Ionisationskammer charakterisiert. Die T...
The Ionising Radiations Metrology Forum (IRMF) organised a second comparison of surface contamination monitor calibrations in which twenty establishments in the UK participated. The exercise involved the circulation of three surface contamination monitors for calibration using large area reference sources available in the participants' laboratories...
The activity assay of a radiopharmaceutical administration to a patient is normally achieved via the use of a radionuclide calibrator. Because of the different geometries and elemental compositions between plastic syringes and glass vials, the calibration factors for syringes may well be significantly different from those for the glass containers. ...
Schramm, K.W.GSF - Forschungszentrum fuer Umwelt und ...
Die Diskussionsgruppe ''Analytik im Umweltschutz'' (DAU) ist als Untereinheit der Fachgruppe Analytische Chemie der GDCh angegliedert und stellt einen Zusammenschluss von Fachleuten dar, die ueber langjaehrige Erfahrungen in der Analytik und Bewertung von Umweltbelastungen verfuegen. Das Gremium umfasst Wissenschaftler verschiedener Bereiche der Um...
The work presented here was concerned with the development and characterization of an optical frequency standard based on laser-cooled "4"0Ca atoms. For the realization of such a standard the frequency of a laser is stabilized to the narrow line of the clock transition of calcium at 657 nm. A frequency standard with cold Ca atoms at a temperature o...