Modelling of wheel/rail squeal noise in curves from mono-harmonic vibratory limit cycles
Proceeding of Inter-Noise 2022, GLASGOW, ROYAUME-UNI, 21-/08/2022 - 24/08/2022
Proceeding of Inter-Noise 2022, GLASGOW, ROYAUME-UNI, 21-/08/2022 - 24/08/2022
ACMBS-VIII, 8th International Conference on Advanced Composite Materials in Bridges and Structures, Sherbrooke, CANADA, 05-/07/2021 - 07/07/2021
Published in PLoS ONE
Betweenness Centrality (BC) has proven to be a fundamental metric in many domains to identify the components (nodes) of a system modelled as a graph that are mostly traversed by information flows thus being critical to the proper functioning of the system itself. In the transportation domain, the metric has been mainly adopted to discover topologic...
13th International Workshop on Railway Noise, GAND, BELGIQUE, 16-/09/2019 - 20/09/2019
Of interest in this paper is a modelling framework when constitutive relations are given in incremental form. This is particularly true for aging concretes due to hydration. Furthermore, having in mind applications to 3D concrete printing, geometrical nonlinearities must be accounted for due to the soft nature of the fresh material. The kinematics ...
Within a 3D concrete printing process, the fresh concrete is aging due to hydration. One of the consequences from the purely mechanical point of view is that its constitutive relation must be defined in rate form. This restriction is taken into account in this contribution and, besides on the incremental elasticity, we moreover introduce the relaxa...
Betweenness Centrality (BC) has proven to be a fundamental metric in many domains to identify the components (nodes) of a system modelled as a graph that are mostly traversed by information flows thus being critical to the proper functioning of the system itself. In the transportation domain, the metric has been mainly adopted to discover topologic...
In this paper a new method is proposed that solves for the steady state of pressure-dependent models (PDMs) with flow control valves. Rather than model flow devices individually, the method solves the more general problem in which a water distribution system (WDS) has some link flows constrained to lie between upper and lower, or possibly equal, se...
The monitoring of railway tracks can be performed through several measurement techniques. Recently, a method of diagnosing the railway track has been proposed using fiber Bragg gratings integrated inside the railway sleeper. An analytical model for the dynamics of railway sleepers has been developed allowing calculation of the sleeper responses. In...
Le pesage en marche par ponts instrumentés consiste à enregistrer les signaux de déformation ou de contrainte lors de passage de camions par des capteurs. Il est possible d'utiliser le modèle physique B-WIM (Bridge Weighing In Motion) pour estimer la ligne d'influence du pont puis leurs poids. Tel était le premier objectif du stage. Plus précisémen...