Holler, Peter Markert, Edith Bartholomä, Alexander Capperucci, Ruggero Hass, H. Christian Kröncke, Ingrid Mielck, Finn Reimers, H. Christian
Published in
Geo-Marine Letters
To determine the spatial resolution of sediment properties and benthic macrofauna communities in acoustic backscatter, the suitability of four acoustic seafloor classification devices (single-beam echosounder with RoxAnn and QTC 5.5 seafloor classification system, sidescan sonar with QTC Swathview seafloor classification, and multi-beam echosounder...
Galac, Madeline R. Bosch, Isidro Janies, Daniel A.
Published in
Marine Biology
Planktotrophic sea star larvae of several species are abundant in oligotrophic waters of the Gulf Stream, western Sargasso Sea, and Caribbean Sea. One abundant larval morphotype at the bipinnaria stage of development is unusual in its ability to constitutively produce clones and in harboring a community of auto-fluorescent bacteria. We hypothesized...
Lobanov, A. L.
Published in
Entomological Review
A new method for estimating the diagnostic value of characters for computer keys to biological objects is proposed. The algorithm described can be used for correct comparison of qualitative and quantitative characters. A brief review of the history of biological diagnostics is given.
Dupont, S. Dorey, N. Stumpp, M. Melzner, F. Thorndyke, M.
Published in
Marine Biology
Anthropogenic CO2 emissions are acidifying the world’s oceans. A growing body of evidence demonstrates that ocean acidification can impact survival, growth, development and physiology of marine invertebrates. Here, we tested the impact of long-term (up to 16 months) and trans-life-cycle (adult, embryo/larvae and juvenile) exposure to elevated pCO2 ...
Gukov, A. Yu.
Published in
Eight bottom biocenoses were observed in the Novosibirsk Polynya region. The species composition of these communities was common for the areas of the dominating of the surface arctic water masses. The biocenoses were characterized by a high population density (up to 3200 ind. per m−2) and an elevated biomass (up to 233.5 g per m−2). The number of s...
Bos, Arthur R. Gumanao, Girley S. van Katwijk, Marieke M. Mueller, Benjamin Saceda, Marjho M. Tejada, Rosie Lynn P.
Published in
Marine Biology
Archaster typicus, a common sea star in Indo-Pacific regions, has been a target for the ornamental trade, even though little is known about its population biology. Spatial and temporal patterns of abundance and size structure of A. typicus were studied in the Davao Gulf, the Philippines (125°42.7′E, 7°0.6′N), from February 2008 to December 2009. Sp...
Christensen, Ana B. Christensen, Eric F. Weisrock, David W.
Published in
Marine Biology
With the discovery of previously unreported populations of hemoglobin-possessing Ophiactis from the Texas coast in the Gulf of Mexico, an investigation into its population structure, including populations of O. simplex from the Pacific coast of California and O. rubropoda from the Atlantic coast of Florida, was undertaken using DNA sequence data fr...
Riedel, B. Stachowitsch, M. Zuschin, M.
Published in
Marine Biology
During oxygen crises, benthic faunas exhibit a series of behavioural patterns that reflect the duration and severity of the event. During artificially induced oxygen deficiencies at 24 m depth in the Northern Adriatic Sea, we photographically documented predation by the sea anemones Cereus pedunculatus (Pennant, 1777) and Calliactis parasitica (Cou...
Abdo, D. A.
Published in
Marine Biology
The endofaunal assemblages associated with two species of sponge from the family Chalinidae (Haliclona sp. 1 and Haliclona sp. 2) were studied at four locations along the south west coast of Australia. The species have distinct morphologies and inhabit similar microhabitats; there is also considerable scientific interest in Haliclona sp. 1 (green H...
Steffens, Matthias Piepenburg, Dieter Schmid, Michael K.
Published in
Polar Biology
The Laptev Sea still ranks among the less known regions of the world’s ocean. Here, we describe the distribution and composition of macrobenthic communities of the eastern shelf and identify key environmental control factors. Samples were collected from dredge catches carried out at 11 stations at depths between 17 and 44 m in August/September 1993...