Demirkiran Özkapi, Tutku
This study explores school leadership in socioeconomically disadvantaged areas, focusing on how school leaders address challenges associated with rising violence and other societal issues. The aim was to identify the strengths, challenges, and strategies that characterize leadership in these environments. The theoretical framework draws on Bourdieu...
Hagerman, Justin
While recent research has focused on human agency in Pauline literature, less attention is given to the forms of care portrayed by Paul’s κατάρτισ- language. In this article, I propose that Pierre Bourdieu’s theory of habitus provides fresh insight on how Paul’s letters restructure habitus and early Christian praxis that generate social fractures. ...
Silverman, Jason M. Aissaoui, Alex Meir, Rotem Avneri Jokiranta, Jutta Nikki, Nina Spunaugle, Adrianne Töyräänvuori, Joanna Wallis, Caroline Wasmuth, Melanie
Published in
Journal of Ancient History
This article is the introduction to a special issue of the Journal of Ancient History, “Social Biographies of the Ancient World.” It sketches out an outline of Ancient Near Eastern social structures by utilizing sociological concepts first developed by Pierre Bourdieu. It is our contention that the concepts of field, capital, habitus, and the inter...
Zeveleva, Olga
Published in
Journal of Ancient History
This article is part of a special issue of the Journal of Ancient History, “Social Biographies of the Ancient World,” forming a sociological response to the other articles and case studies. It argues that engaging in discussions of Pierre Bourdieu’s field theory with historians of the Ancient Near East pushes us beyond the usual binaries that struc...
Dixon, Helen
Published in
Journal of Ancient History
This article is part of a special issue of the Journal of Ancient History, “Social Biographies of the Ancient World.” It serves as response paper whose purpose is to identify a core question underlying the three case studies in this special issue: does Bourdieu’s field theory help us to understand how people made decisions in the ancient world, giv...
Spunaugle, Adrianne
Published in
Journal of Ancient History
This article is part of a special issue of the Journal of Ancient History, “Social Biographies of the Ancient World.” It presents the fundamental elements of Bourdieu’s sociological field theory before adapting them to apply to the study of ancient, premodern societies. By reverse-engineering the theory’s developmental process through the work of B...
Wacquant, Loïc
Basándome en mi libro The Poverty of the Ethnography of Poverty ([2023]2025), defiendo la "construcción densa" como enfoque racionalista para enmarcar y realizar etnografías. Infundida por la epistemología sociológica de Pierre Bourdieu, la construcción densa es una "construcción al cuadrado", es decir, una construcción científica (analítica) de un...
de luque-villa, miguel a. gonzález-méndez, mauricio
This paper proposes the use of Pierre Bourdieu’s sociological concepts of social fields, capital, and habitus to analyze water management in Colombia. By mapping the social dynamics of water management, this study examines the interactions and power relationships among agents, including government agencies, private companies, academic institutions,...
Melo dos Santos, Ícaro
O presente artigo busca discutir sobre os ataques à imprensa brasileira protagonizados por Jair Messias Bolsonaro entre as eleições de 2018 a pandemia da COVID-19. A pergunta que norteia o trabalho é baseada em como ataques perpetrados por agente político podem influenciar na diminuição da liberdade de imprensa? O objetivo geral é identificar se os...
Alaminos, Antonio Alaminos-Fernández, Paloma
La vida cotidiana en España ha experimentado, desde inicios de 2020, el impacto de las restricciones establecidas como consecuencia de la pandemia de coronavirus. Se presenta aquí un primer acercamiento empírico a las huellas que ha dejado en la vida cotidiana, midiendo resiliencia e histéresis en dos dimensiones, emocional y conductual. Se analiza...