Cavallero, Pablo A.
As part of the translation and study of Theo-dore Prodromos’ texts (xiith c.) with satirical content, it is presented here the case of Κατὰ φιλοπόρνου γραός(140 Hörandner), of which we do not know a Spanish translation. The analysis of the work, in the context of its time and that one of the tradition, reveals that it is not a lyric-satirical poem ...
Seraïdari, Katerina
L’article raconte deux histoires parallèles : celle d’une icône athonite du XIVe siècle qui se trouva en 1894 dans la collection privée d’un diplomate russe avant d’être acquise par le Musée de Dumbarton Oaks en 1954 ; et celle de l’émergence d’un nouvel objet d’étude dans le domaine de l’art byzantin à partir de la fin du XIXe siècle, alors que ce...
Martínez Carrasco, Carlos
Partiendo de una reevaluación de las fuentes disponibles, se propone una revisión de uno de los momentos clave en el devenir histórico del Imperio romano de Oriente, el golpe de Estado que llevó al poder a Focas en 602. Fue el primer hecho de este tipo que se dio en Constantinopla, creando una situación de inestabilidad que marcaría todo el siglo V...
Cavallero, Pablo A.
It is presented here a Spanish version of the Prodromus’ text 146 Hörandner (xiith century), with footnotes and a study, on the basis of the Migliorini’s edition (2010) with some little modifications. It is postulated that this text is a literary mime, which performance was made in a social gathering, a Byzantine θέατρον. / Se presenta la versión e...
Martínez Carrasco, Carlos
The first fifteen years of the reign of Heraclius (610-641) were crucial to explain the subsequent territorial, political and military reorganization of the East that emerged after the end of the war with Sassanid Persia. In this scenario, the Mediterranean is a fundamental actor for all that it represents, hence it is necessary to address naval hi...
Navarro, Miguel
The splendid gate that gave access to Constantinople's Great Imperial Palace was known as the Chalke Gate. Currently there remains little archaeological evidence of it, but its exact location has already been specified. On the basis of these meagre archaeological remains and brief descriptions provided by ancient chroniclers, this paper will attemp...
Valverde García, Alejandro
The most frequently depicted historical events in the cinema about the Byzantine Empire are that of the reign of Justinian and his wife Theodora, in addition to the tragic fall of Constantinople in 1453. Compared to the large amount of Roman films and movies that draw their inspiration from Greek mythology, at first glance, one might think that the...
Cavallero, Pablo A.
Se analizan y confrontan las técnicas empleadas por Teodoro de Pafo (s. vii) y por el reelaborador anónimo de su obra (s. ix), relativas a la caracterización de los personajes, con el fin de determinar semejanzas, diferencias e intenciones particulares. Ambos autores emplean las mismas estrategias básicas, pero el metafrasta las modifica para subra...
Valverde García, Alejandro
The author presents a teaching experience with his students of ancient Greek. Starting from the Byzantine icon of the “Dormition of the Virgin”, the script deals with ancient Greek texts, the recreation of the sets and the costumes of the characters. It is a very motivating complementary activity that allows us, as well, to get direct knowledge of ...
Lewin Velasco, Josefina
This essay intends to explain the political meaning of building churches in Byzantium during the reign of Justinian. Thus, our analysis seeks to unravel the idea of the emperor that is developed in the first book of Procopius’s Buildings, centered in the description of the churches of Constantinople. Above all, we intend to demonstrate how the cons...