Fiard, Maud Cuny, Philippe Sylvi, Léa Hubas, Cédric Jézéquel, Ronan Lamy, Dominique Walcker, Romain Houssainy, Amonda El Heimbürger-Boavida, Lars-Eric Robinet, Tony
The microbial communities inhabiting the Atlantic-East Pacific (AEP) mangroves have been poorly studied, and mostly comprise chronically polluted mangroves. In this study,we characterized changes in the structure and diversity of microbial communities of mangroves along the urban-to-rural gradient of the Cayenne estuary (French Guiana, South Americ...
Gilbert, Franck Kristensen, Erik Aller, Robert C. Banta, Gary T. Archambault, Philippe Belley, Rénald Bellucci, Luca G. Calder, Lois Cuny, Philippe de Montaudouin, Xavier
Particle mixing and irrigation of the seabed by benthic fauna (bioturbation) have major impacts on ecosystem functions such as remineralization of organic matter and sediment-water exchange. As a tribute to Prof. Gaston Desrosiers by the Nereis Park association, eighteen laboratories carried out a collaborative experiment to acquire a global snapsh...
Boyero, Luz López-Rojo, Naiara Tonin, Alan M. Pérez, Javier Correa-Araneda, Francisco Pearson, Richard G. Bosch, Jaime Albariño, Ricardo J. Anbalagan, Sankarappan Barmuta, Leon A.
The relationship between detritivore diversity and decomposition can provide information on how biogeochemical cycles are affected by ongoing rates of extinction, but such evidence has come mostly from local studies and microcosm experiments. We conducted a globally distributed experiment (38 streams across 23 countries in 6 continents) using stand...
Tomanova, Sylvie Courret, Dominique Richard, Sylvain Tedesco, Pablo A. Mataix, Vincent Frey, Aurélien Lagarrigue, Thierry Chatellier, Ludovic Tétard, Stéphane
The sustained development of hydropower energy in the last century has caused important ecological impacts, promoting recent advances in efficient mitigation measures to be implemented in existing and future hydropower plants. Although upstream fish migration has been largely addressed with the development of fish-pass infrastructures, downstream p...
Lecerf, Antoine Cébron, Aurélie Gilbert, Franck Danger, Michael Roussel, Hélène Maunoury-Danger, Florence
The inventory and remediation of contaminated sites have emerged as top environmental priorities worldwide. A large body of evidence has accumulated to show how soil contamination affects biological communities and ecological processes. This knowledge has yet to be used for the development of indicators of soil quality that are meaningful to end-us...
Michelet, Claire Zeppilli, Daniela Hubas, Cédric Baldrighi, Elisa Cuny, Philippe Dirberg, Guillaume Militon, Cécile Walcker, Romain Lamy, Dominique Jézéquel, Ronan
Bioindicators assess the mangroves ecological state according to the types of pressures but they differ with the ecosystem’s specificities. We investigated benthic meiofauna diversity and structure within the low human-impacted mangroves in French Guiana (South America) in response to sediment variables with various distances to the main city. Cont...
Tétard, Stéphane Roy, Romain Teichert, Nils Rancon, Jocelyn Courret, Dominique
Developing management rules to improve downstream migration of salmon smolts in large hydropower plants is essential to limit mortality and migration delay. A 2-year telemetry study was conducted to assess the efficiency of temporary measures to enhance the safety and speed of juvenile salmon passage through the Poutès dam (Allier River, France). 1...
Lemkecher, Fatma Chatellier, Ludovic Courret, Dominique David, Laurent
Low bar spacing trash racks have been widely investigated in order to guide fish toward bypasses. In addition to this biological function, the formulae to predict head losses, for hydropower plants, are still being discussed. This paper investigates and models the global head losses generated by inclined trash racks with six different bar shapes an...
Ponnou-Delaffon, Vivien Probst, Anne Payre, Virginie Granouillac, Franck Ferrant, Sylvain Perrin, Anne-Sophie Probst, Jean-Luc
The hydrochemical time series of stream water from a cultivated catchment were investigated at different time scales and survey frequencies. A 35-year time series of nitrate concentration and discharge, a 15-year time series of major elements and dissolved organic carbon (DOC) concentrations were analysed from a yearly to a daily/hourly basis durin...
Cuny, Philippe Jezequel, Ronan Michaud, Emma Sylvi, Léa Gilbert, Franck Fiard, Maud Chevalier, C Morel, Valérie Militon, Cécile
Mangrove forests are formed by mangrove trees and shrubs that grow in the intertidal zone at the sea-continent interface. They constitute major ecosystems of tropical to subtropical muddy coasts that perform several ecological functions, including: mitigation of coastal erosion and flooding hazards associated with storm waves, extreme tides and tsu...