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with Betriebssimulation as keyword
Kleer, Michael
Ausgehend von einer Analyse der klassischen Anwendungsmöglichkeiten verschiedener Bewegungssimulatoren werden die Vor- und Nachteile klassischer paralleler sowie der verhältnismäßig seltenen seriellen Kinematiken dargelegt. Nach der Definition relevanter Anforderungen an das Bewegungssystem werden Optimierungspotentiale vorgestellt. Parallel dazu e...
Pretzsch, Hans
Published in
European Journal of Forest Research
At the beginning of regular forestry and systematic forest science the focus of sustainable management was on wood production (V. Carlowitz 1713, Cotta 1828, Hartig 1804, Hundeshagen 1826). Subsequently more and more forest functions were considered in management and planning (V. Hagen 1867, Dieterich 1957). Our current understanding of multifuncti...
Gröger, Thomas Andreas
This paper focuses on the further development of the asynchronous method to simulate timetable compilation and railway operation. The newly developed simulation strategy and the use of appropriate basic components introduced in the field of timetable compilation lead to a train priorities respecting simulation procedure that can be used for various...