Meeuwis, Michael
Situated within the field of colonial and missionary linguistics, this paper discusses language-interventionist campaigns by Protestant missionaries working in the Belgian Congo, in particular their work on the languages Bangala and Lingala between 1900 and 1935. This time frame commences with a master plan to transform Bangala, by first “redeeming...
Sebillotte, Marie
Cet article s’intéresse à une lettre émanant d’un administrateur colonial du Congo belge datée de juin 1910 et dénonçant l’omniprésence de l’esclavage dit domestique dans la région du Mayombe. Pour expliquer cette forme d’esclavage, il met au cœur de sa compréhension l’exclusion des esclaves de la matrilinéarité. L’analyse de la lettre permet d’int...
Fivez, Robby
On the 18th of October 1908, the Belgian parliament voted in favour of the Belgian take-over of the Congo Free State from the Belgian king Léopold II, who had privately owned the Congolese territory but was forced to give up ‘his’ colony after the international outcry over the well-known Congo atrocities. With this vote, the Congolese territory off...
Charpy, Manuel
Cet article cherche à comprendre la manière dont la rumeur peut être mobilisée en situation coloniale. Entre les années 1940 et l’indépendance, une rumeur protéiforme est identifiée par les renseignements généraux belges à Léopoldville-Kinshasa et alentours qui voudrait que des Blancs, aidés d’auxiliaires noirs, et circulant en automobile, hypnotis...
Bisschop, Alisson
The Royal Museum for Central Africa in Tervuren, now called AfricaMuseum, reopened in December 2018 after a long period of renovation in order to rethink and “decolonize” the institution. The introduction of contemporary art was essential in this process; indeed, several artists were selected to take part in the museum's new permanent exhibition. T...
Ollhoff, Rüdiger D. Pogliani, Fabio C. Sellera, Fábio P.
Published in
Emerging Infectious Diseases
Erpelding, Michel
Delivered at a hearing of the Special Committee on Belgium's Colonial Past of the Belgian Chamber of Representatives, this speech challenges the alleged lawfulness of colonial policies under the intertemporal law principle in public international law based on two considerations. First, due to the development of the history of international law as a...
De Boeck, Filip; 21683;
Un siècle après la fondation de l’École coloniale supérieure à Anvers, le musée voisin du Middelheim invite la chercheuse et curatrice Sandrine Colard à créer une exposition qui interroge les histoires silencieuses du colonialisme à la lumière du site. Le mot Congoville désigne les traces visibles et invisibles de la colonie, non pas sur le contine...
De Coene, Pieter Luyckfasseel, Margot Mathys, Gillian
This article examines the way the religious community of Simon Mpadi (closely related to the better-known Kimbanguist movement) crafted its identity within the colonial penal system in the Belgian Congo, specifically in Oshwe (in today's Mai-Ndombe province). The article shows that the practice of relegation (domestic deportation) was an important ...
Coghe, Samuël
Published in
Medical History
During the last decades of colonial rule, Belgian colonial authorities, health agencies and researchers intensely engaged with kwashiorkor, a severe syndrome that was deemed widespread among young children in some parts of the Belgian Congo and Ruanda-Urundi and chiefly attributed to protein malnutrition. To fight kwashiorkor, the Belgian governmen...