Chehimi, Melinda Naro, Gérald
The integration of social and environmental issues into their business model is today a major issue for companies facing the challenge of sustainability. This is leading them to redefine their models of performance measurement. In this perspective, integrated and multi-dimensional frameworks such as Balanced Scorecards (BSCs) and Sustainability Bal...
Kemendi, Agnes Michelberger, Pal
Published in
Engineering Management in Production and Services
The main purpose of the paper is to identify ways to establish process security in the constantly changing risk and control environment and to introduce a new model. The research is based on a literature review of process security components. Qualitative content analysis was used to establish a linkage between the certified management systems and t...
radtke, jan philipp albers, peter hadaschik, boris a. graefen, markus meyer, christian p. behr, björn nüesch, stephan
Background: Prostate cancer (PC) is the most common cancer in men in 112 countries, and accounts for 15% of cancers. Because it cannot be prevented, the rise in cases is inevitable, and improvements in diagnostic pathways and treatments are needed, as there is still a shortage of cost-effective diagnostics and widespread oncologically safe treatmen...
Dostálová, Michaela
Diplomová práce zkoumá hodnocení výkonnosti podniku v zemědělském sektoru s důrazem na aplikaci teoretických znalostí a praktických postupů. V teoretické části se zaměřuje na definování základních pojmů a analýz, metody Balanced Scorecard a benchmarkingu. Praktická část aplikuje teoretické poznatky na analýzu konkrétního podniku. Cílem je identifik...
Igarza Del Toro, Lenier
The introduction of strategic management in Cuban universities contributes to strengthening their management; An extremely important element for this purpose is the Balanced Scorecard, which constitutes an effective tool for university management control, taking into account that it allows guiding, measuring, and evaluating institutions in meeting ...
Zhang, Xiayi Haji Yahya, Mohamed Hisham Dato Abdul Rahim, Norhuda Ab Razak, Nazrul Hisyam
State-owned energy, transportation, and telecommunications enterprises power many countries' economies and societies. Considering commercial and social objectives, SOE performance evaluation is complex. Rather than innovation, sustainability, and stakeholder satisfaction, financial factors have determined SOE's success. The present study simulates ...
Milstig, Agnes Ramserdal, Sofia
In 2023, the European corrugated industry experienced challenges due to a declining market and the macroeconomic situation. To remain competitive in the market, manufacturing companies are striving to increase operational efficiency and reduce costs. This thesis investigates at how the use of Performance Measurement Systems (PMS) can help achieve O...
El Ajaje, Douae
Dans un monde en constante évolution, les organisations publiques sont confrontées à la nécessité d'évaluer leur performance. Contrairement aux entreprises privées axées sur la rentabilité, elles doivent fournir des services de qualité tout en optimisant l'utilisation des fonds publics et en répondant à des objectifs sociaux et politiques. Pour rel...
Brenner, Kátia
TCC (graduação) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro Socioeconômico, Ciências Contábeis. / O estudo tem como objetivo verificar os indicadores de desempenho utilizados por uma empresa específica sob as perspectivas do Balanced Scorecard (BSC), a fim de identificar lacunas e oportunidades de melhoria no sistema de avaliação de desempenho...
Solano Mosquera, Jason Estevan
[ES] El presente Trabajo de Fin de Master (TFM) tiene por objetivo desarrollar una propuesta de Cuadro de Mando Integral (CMI) como una herramienta para la evaluación de la eficacia de las estrategias de gestión y el cumplimiento de los objetivos que se plantean en el plan estratégico de la empresa constructora EDIFICACIONES Y CONSTRUCCIONES VERDOY...