La présente note traite de la capture récente de deux individus du Ripiphoride Ripidius quadriceps, endoparasite de blattes assez peu commun dans le nord de la France.
Kotze, D JohanBrandmayr, PietroCasale, AchilleDauffy-Richard, EmmanuelleDekoninck, WouterKoivula, Matti JLövei, Gábor LMossakowski, DietrichNoordijk, JinzePaarmann, Wilfried
'Carabidologists do it all' (Niemelä 1996a) is a phrase with which most European carabidologists are familiar. Indeed, during the last half a century, professional and amateur entomologists have contributed enormously to our understanding of the basic biology of carabid beetles. The success of the field is in no small part due to regular European C...
Metapopulation theory has recently been stirred by the development of a metapopulation persistence criterion (R(m)) quantifying the "lifetime dispersal success" of a newly colonized deme in a sparsely occupied metapopulation. No rigorous proof of this criterion in continuous time has been available so far. Here, we show that this criterion can be m...
La tordeuse, Dichelia cedricola, est un défoliateur de Cedrus libani en Asie Mineure. Dans cet article, nous faisons le point sur sa répartition géographique, sa biologie et l'importance de ses dégâts. Elle est potentiellement dangereuse pour le Cèdre en France. Des différences biologiques permettent de distinguer les tordeuses consommatrices d'aig...