Ayoub and Malika Amrani are husband and wife, former farm workers who, for many years, came to France on OMI contracts to do seasonal work for a farmer in the Bouches-du-Rhône area. In the early 1970s, the young woman’s father and uncle, fellahs2 from the Moroccan Prerif who had emigrated to the city, found a contract in the city of Grans, on the C...
On the one hand, biography is in part a literary genre, long disparaged as minor — but after Deleuze this should rather be considered as a promising asset. What some German scholars call its “Theorieresistenz” is much less a resistance to theorisation that would be inherent to biography, than a resistance of “theory” to biography, due to the partic...
English version of a biography of Ted Hughes first published in French in 2007. Ted Hughes’s destiny had this rare peculiarity that it was inextricably wedded to that of a woman poet of a comparable strength. But neither he nor Sylvia Plath would have achieved the fame that is theirs the one without the other. Sylvia passionately wanted to give her...
Den Ausgangspunkt der Untersuchung zur Friedens- und Konfliktforschung bildet die Frage, warum und unter welchen Bedingungen demokratische Regierungen Soeldnerfirmen zur Erreichung aussenpolitischer Ziele einsetzen. Dazu wird in einem ersten Schritt die Theorie des 'Demokratischen Friedens' herangezogen, in deren Licht der Einsatz von Soeldnerfirme...