Negi, Sudeeksha Han, Taejun Park, Jihae Bergey, Elizabeth A. Sangeeta, [missing] Chaubey, Jyoti Kumar, Abhishek Gupta, Divyanshi Gupta, Mahima Singh, Shivangi
Metals and metalloids are toxic, persistent, and non-biodegradable and can be biomagnified (e.g., Hg), and therefore pose a serious threat to the algal flora of aquatic ecosystems. This laboratory study tested the effects of metals (Zn, Fe, and Hg) and a metalloid (As) on the cell wall morphology and protoplasmic content of living cells of six wide...
Kollár, Jan Pinseel, Eveline Vyverman, Wim Poulickova, Aloisie
Many diatom groups are known for widespread (pseudo)cryptic species diversity and Pinnularia gibba group is one of them. Recently, KoLLAR et al. (2019) delimited species within the group by means of a polyphasic approach, providing an evidence for the existence of fifteen species. In order to further guide the systematic revision of the group, the ...
Park, Jihae Lee, Hojun Depuydt, Stephen Han, Taejun Pandey, Lalit K
Published in
Journal of hazardous materials
Metal pollution of fluvial systems remains a major problem and biomonitoring can be a useful tool for assessing the metal contamination. To assess their potential as new bioindicators of copper stress, we treated a field-collected live periphytic diatom community (dominated by Amphora, Navicula, and Nitzschia) with dissolved Cu under optimal growth...
Hoffmann, Ralf Al-Handal, Adil Yousif Wulff, Angela Deregibus, Dolores Zacher, Katharina Quartino, María Liliana Wenzhöfer, Frank Braeckman, Ulrike
Published in
Frontiers in Marine Science
The Antarctic Peninsula experiences a fast retreat of glaciers, which results in an increased release of particles and sedimentation and, thus, a decrease in the available photosynthetic active radiation (PAR, 400–700 nm) for benthic primary production. In this study, we investigated how changes in the general sedimentation and shading patterns aff...
Stock, Willem Blommaert, Lander De Troch, Marleen Mangelinckx, Sven Willems, Anne Vyverman, Wim Sabbe, Koen
While different microalgae tend to be associated with different bacteria, it remains unclear whether such specific associations are beneficial for the microalgae. We assessed the impact of bacterial isolates, derived from various marine benthic diatoms, on the growth of several strains belonging to the Cylindrotheca closterium diatom species comple...
Hejduková, Eva Pinseel, Eveline Vanormelingen, Pieter Nedbalová, Linda Elster, Josef Vyverman, Wim Sabbe, Koen
Although polar regions are characterised by extreme environment conditions with overall low temperatures and often pronounced diurnal to seasonal temperature fluctuations, diatoms (Bacillariophyceae) thrive in a wide range of nonmarine polar habitats, suggesting that they are well adapted to these harsh conditions. In this study, tolerance to freez...
Stock, Willem Pinseel, Eveline De Decker, Sam Sefbom, Josefin Blommaert, Lander Chepurnova, Olga Sabbe, Koen Vyverman, Wim
Published in
Scientific Reports
Diatoms constitute the most diverse group of microalgae and have long been recognised for their large biotechnological potential. In the wake of growing research interest in new model species and development of commercial applications, there is a pressing need for long-term preservation of diatom strains. While cryopreservation using dimethylsulfox...
Pandey, L.K. Lavoie, I. Morin, S. Park, J. Lyu, J. Choi, S. Lee, H. Han, Tong
In the present study, the ecological status of four major South Korean rivers flowing near industrial complexes is assessed using physico-chemical analyses and various descriptors based on benthic diatom assemblages. Principal component analysis conducted with physical and chemical variables singled-out four sites as more severely impacted (higher ...
Mamede da Silva Alves, Renata Van Colen, Carl Vincx, Magda Vanaverbeke, Jan De Smet, Bart Guarini, Jean-Marc Rabaut, Marijn Bouma, Tjeerd J
Pandey, Lalit K. Bergey, Elizabeth A. Lyu, Jie Park, Jihae Choi, Soyeon Lee, Hojun Depuydt, Stephen Oh, Young-Tae Lee, Sung-Mo Han, Taejun