Sohal, Karpal Singh Kambole, Ramadhani Owibingire, Sira Stanslaus
Published in
International dental journal
To assess oral health-related knowledge, attitude, and practices (KAP) of patients with diabetes mellitus (DM) attending public diabetic clinics in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. This study involved adult patients diagnosed with DM. A questionnaire with questions related to oral health KAP was used. Data analysis was done using SPSS software v26. Multiva...
Bahraseman, Sasan Esfandiari Dehghani Dashtabi, Maryam Karbasi, Alireza Firoozzare, Ali Boccia, Flavio Hosseinzadeh Nazeri, Zahra
Published in
The world's growing population is putting immense pressure on natural resources and food security. Algae, as a sustainable and nutrient-rich alternative protein source, have gained attention due to their lower environmental impacts and potential health benefits. However, consumer acceptance remains a key challenge, especially in developing countrie...
Mede, Niels G.; Cologna, Viktoria; Berger, Sebastian; Besley, John; Brick, Cameron; Joubert, Marina; Maibach, Edward W.; Mihelj, Sabina; Oreskes, Naomi; Schäfer, Mike S.;
Science is integral to society because it can inform individual, government, corporate, and civil society decision-making on issues such as public health, new technologies or climate change. Yet, public distrust and populist sentiment challenge the relationship between science and society. To help researchers analyse the science-society nexus acros...
Huitink, Marlijn Poelman, Maartje P. Seidell, Jacob C. Twisk, Jos W.R. Dijkstra, S.C.
BACKGROUND: Dutch adolescents predominantly purchase unhealthy snacks in supermarkets, which negatively influence their health. The aim of this study was to investigate the short- and longer-term effects of a nutrition peer-education intervention in supermarkets on food purchases and determinants of food purchase behaviour among adolescents of diff...
Peinado, Susana O'Donoghue, Amie C Betts, Kevin R Paquin, Ryan S Giombi, Kristen Arnold, Jennifer E Kelly, Bridget J Davis, Christine
Published in
Therapeutic innovation & regulatory science
The meaning and characteristics embedded in proprietary drug names have the potential to affect name recall, perceptions of drug benefits and risks, and attitudes toward a drug. In this study, we examined: (1) whether names that reference the drug's medical indication affect consumers' and primary care physicians' (PCPs') perceptions of the drug an...
Vasudevan, Swetha Thayaparan, Archana Teng, Lung En Lammoza, Noor Aung, Ar Kar Edwards, Gail Gibbs, Harry Hopper, Ingrid
Published in
The swift uptake of new medications into clinical practice has many benefits; however, slow uptake has been seen previously with other guideline-directed medical therapies (GDMT) in heart failure (HF). Sodium glucose co-transporter 2 inhibitors are a novel therapy in HF proven to be efficacious and will have beneficial clinical outcomes if prescrib...
Endale, Sisay Delelegn, Kalkidan Negash, Zenebe
Published in
Therapeutic advances in vaccines and immunotherapy
Knowledge, attitude, practice and associated factors toward cervical cancer among female health science students of Addis Ababa University Cervical cancer (CC) is a significant health issue affecting women worldwide and understanding how female Health Science students perceive and respond to CC is crucial for early diagnosis, prevention and treatme...
Svobodova, Kamila Barták, Vojtěch Hendrychová, Markéta
Published in
Recognizing the prevailing negative public opinion on mining, it is important to understand how firsthand encounters with mining activities might influence these perceptions. This study investigates how field trips to open pit coal mines and their reclamation sites in the Czech Republic affected the attitudes of 148 university students toward minin...
Begum, Maimuna Alam, Mohammad Jahangir Parikh, Panam De Steur, Hans
Food safety is a global health issue, leading to foodborne illnesses and economic burdens worldwide. Ensuring high food safety standards is challenging because of the variations in knowledge, attitudes, and practices (KAP) among consumers and vendors. This umbrella review synthesizes reviews on consumer and vendor food safety KAP research from the ...
Chao, Wen-Yi Wu, Yu-Lin Hsu, Mei-Yu Chu, Chien-Lun
Published in
Nurse education in practice
This study evaluated the effectiveness of a pressure injury educational intervention on nurses' knowledge, attitudes, self-efficacy and perceived barriers. Pressure injuries remain a global healthcare challenge. Efficient teaching strategies like immersive learning are crucial to translating theoretical knowledge into practical skills. A single-cen...