vantas, konstantinos loukas, athanasios
Extreme rainfall analysis is essential for accurate flood hazard assessment. Traditional approaches, such as the use of annual maxima, may overlook seasonal variations and lead to underestimated precipitation extremes, compromising effective flood risk management strategies. This study applies a point process model to uninterrupted daily rainfall r...
Konuk, Koray
The aim of this paper is to present a second specimen of an Athenian-type obol with the signature of Hippias which has recently appeared in trade, and to offer some reflections on the significance of such a coin. It is also argued that the obols of Hippias could give a chronological indication about the date of the introduction of the owl coinage i...
bournas, apollon baltas, evangelos
Weather radar plays a critical role in flash flood forecasting, providing an effective and comprehensive guide for the identification of possible flood-prone areas. However, the utilization of radar precipitation data remains limited in current research and applications, particularly in addressing flash flood hazards in complex environments such as...
Arvanitis, Nikolaos Duplouy, Alain Strousopoulou, Anastasia
We propose a re-evaluation of the archaeological evidence from the area of Vari from the Mycenaean times to the end of the Archaic period. The paper uses the spatial concept of "district" or "settlement chamber" (Siedlungskammer), which re- fers to a small unit of sites (settlements, cult places and cemeteries) grouped together and apparently explo...
Duplouy, Alain
For more than 20 years, the journal Kernos has published an annual gazetteer, the Chronique archéologique de la religion grecque, which summarises archaeological discoveries related to Greek religious practices from the Late Bronze Age to Late Antiquity throughout the ancient world. A new, enriched digital version is now available online, with retr...
Duplouy, Alain
While the city of Athens has attracted and continues to attract a great deal of public and scholarly interest, the surrounding region of Attica has remained in the city's shadow. Beyond the study of the region itself, its relationship to Athens has long been debated. To what extent was the countryside connected to the city? While the question finds...
Brillet-Dubois, Pascale Nikolsky, Boris Noel, Anne-Sophie
L'ouvrage analyse certains aspects formels et dramaturgiques des tragédies d’Euripide pour éclairer les liens entre ces drames et le/la politique. Si un consensus se dégage sur le fait que poétique et politique sont interdépendants, les parcours de circulation dessinés entre ces espaces varient.
Arvanitis, Nikolaos Duplouy, Alain Silva Porto, Mariana
International audience
Snoj, Lovro
Alkibiad, grški državnik in vojskovodja, se je rodil v Atenah, v obdobju od Nikijevega miru do konca peloponeške vojne in je močno vplival na dogajanje v grškem svetu. Svoj čas je zaznamoval tako z osebnimi škandali in izkazovanjem moči kot z velikopoteznimi vojaški-mi podvigi, v katere se je spuščal. V diplomskem delu bom za lažje razumevanje situ...
Karila-Cohen, Karine
Si l’ensemble des chercheurs en histoire grecque a recours au LGPN pour nourrir des études onomastiques, prosopographiques ou plus largement d’histoire sociale, la masse des données n’est pas encore fréquemment exploitée de façon systématique. Or, une « lecture distante » de ces données peut être efficacement mise à profit pour consolider la méthod...