Barbosa, Wesley
O ateísmo militante sofre do mesmo mal originado do fanatismo religioso judaico-cristão. Ele detém a verdade. E como apanágio desta boa nova deve converter os desinformados ou alienados e enganados, pregando a sua incredulidade aos seis cantos da Terra. Antes do problema de, se Deus existe ou não, há o problema do dogmatismo, do fundamentalismo, do...
Conde Pérez, Ana José
Theses about the concept of alterity in the Sartrean philosophy focusing on the Being and Nothingness analytics have usually concluded that the divisiveness of the intersubjective bonds, in the hell the others make up, becomes an insur-mountable challenge. Nevertheless, an examination of Sartre’s work in light of his posthumous texts —particularly,...
del Luján Di Sanza, Silvia
In this work we will maintain that, in Kant's critical work, the displacement of the idea of God from its traditional place of foundation, a displacement carried out by the three Critiques, relocates the function of the idea of God within his philosophy, and precisely for this reason, Kant considers that he has achieved that the shadow cast placed ...
Hallin, Nathalie
Religiosity has been present in societies throughout history and several theories hold that religion serves to foster trust and a sense of community within the religious ingroup. In many societies today, it is not uncommon to lack religious beliefs and religion is no longer a natural part of everyday life. The studies included in this thesis invest...
Beade, Ileana Paola
In several writings, Kant argues that, both in the realm of the theoretical use of reason and in its practical use, this faculty is the origin of a priori representations, which determine both knowledge of objects and action - understood in a practical or moral sense-. In a 1786 text, What is orientation in thinking?, he argues that reason is autho...
Bernier, Myriam
Cette thèse interroge la possibilité pour un athée d'être vertueux en examinant les débats qui ont eu lieu au XVIIe siècle en France sur cette question. Le XVIIe siècle est en effet le siècle où commence cette défense de l'athée vertueux, lequel était perçu le plus souvent comme une pure et simple impossibilité auparavant. La thèse étudie à la fois...
Parra Salas, Doris
Este artículo analiza algunas de las transformaciones de la noción de libertadde convicciones religiosas derivadas del nuevo enfoque que sobre la materiaaportó a la sociedad colombiana la Constitución Política de 1991.Se realizó un análisis entre la Constitución Política de 1886 y la de 1991, mostrandocómo se introduce en Colombia el principio de T...
Cavaillé, Jean-Pierre
Si l’accusation de blasphème est susceptible de porter sur toute forme d’offense au sacré, il est évident que la raillerie à l’égard de ce qui devrait être un objet exclusif de vénération entre dans une très grande partie des propos, gestes et comportement dénoncés comme blasphématoires au début de l’époque moderne. Refusant de juger a priori de ce...
Arli, Denni van Esch, Patrick Cui, Yuanyuan
Published in
Journal of business ethics : JBE
There is a consensus among scientists that climate change is an existing, growing, and human-made threat to our planet. The topic is a divisive issue worldwide, including among people of faith. Little research has focused on the relationship between (non)religious belief and climate change. Hence, in Studies 1 and 2, the authors explore the impact ...
Krause, Djesniel Stheieny Ramlow, Rodomar
Christian apologetics is far from just a response to Enlightenment’s criticisms concerning religion. It is part of the theological tradition since the New Testament’s days. This work’s purpose consists in demonstrate that Christian apologetics can have at least three great benefits for the Christian Church in the Brazilian context of the 21st centu...