Lee, Ethan
This paper delves into the practice of blood writing in Chinese Buddhism, a unique ascetic ritual dating back to the 6th century CE. Blood writing involves practitioners using their blood to transcribe sacred texts, both embodying sacred Buddhist scriptures and imbuing the practitioner with power. This work traces the origins of blood writing as a ...
Martin, Lucie
La Gaule de la première moitié du Ve siècle, en proie aux invasions barbares, a été le lieu d’une floraison poétique bien particulière. À cette époque, plusieurs poèmes, marqués par les troubles de l’actualité, emploient les anciennes formes de la poésie légère pour traiter de la conversion ascétique de diverses manières. Parmi ces « examens de con...
Bidaud, Éric
Cet article propose de montrer les enjeux de l’adolescent qui se confine et fabrique avec méthode un lieu de réclusion volontaire, jusqu’à offrir la figure d’un enfouissement au limite de l’angoisse d’un en-terrement, le lieu d’une ascèse. Ce que ce texte tente de suivre ici est moins la description d’une courbe ascétique : les privations, l’isolem...
Messerschmidt, Mat Olav
Published in
In this essay, I examine Heidegger’s interpretation of Nietzsche, focusing centrally on his understanding of the Nietzschean “body.” Nietzsche’s status as the culminating figure of Western metaphysics depends on the notion that the body, in Nietzsche’s thought, is the last Western subject. I confirm Heidegger’s sense of the importance of the Nietzs...
Verheyden, Joseph Roskam, Geert Heirman, Ann Leemans, Johan
This volume contains the proceedings of an international conference on the relation between asceticism and aspirations about reaching for perfection held at the University of Leuven 21-23 October 2019 and organised in the framework of Kosmoi, an association of Leuven colleagues from various disciplines working in the field of religious studies. Con...
Tillería Aqueveque, Leopoldo
The study discusses the notions of asceticism, spatiality and immunization within the framework of Sloterdijk’s theory of spheres. In this sense, this philosophy –a Nova Scientia of the contemporary world- would describe the physiognomy of a “technical man” in the mode of an existence of the being-with-the-world type. The German’s project, that is,...
Carvalho Moura Filho, Raimundo
In the course of the 12th century, with the emergence of new monastic orders, including that of Cistercian (1098 AD), the theme of austerity became central to the discussion on the best way of observing the Rule of Saint Benedict, a canonical document on regular life from the 6th century. Conceptions about austerity can be verified, on the one hand...
Pinheiro, Marcus Reis
Translation of On the vices opposed to the virtues, of Evagrius Ponticus, with a brief introduction. This text is probably an oppuscule that accompanied To Eulogius, which is an introduction to the basic elements of monastic life, being thus also called, Second Discourse to Eulogius. On the vices opposed to the virtues describes in condensed form T...
Santarelli, G. Innocenti, M. Gironi, V. Faggi, V. Galassi, F. Castellini, G. Ricca, V.
Published in
European Psychiatry
Introduction There is a growing literature suggesting disgust plays a major role in religiosity. Asceticism is a personality trait characterized by abstinence from sensual pleasures, often for the purpose of pursuing spiritual goals. Since few studies suggested that higher disgust levels may lead to greater fear of sin, contamination disgust may se...
Forrer, Kurt
Skill can build a bridge to Heaven’s Gate, but Art alone unlocks it! This is not to downgrade skill, but to put it in its rightful place. Skill is one of the three pillars of art: Head, Hand and Heart. Yet more precisely, skill is a combination of the two pillars of Head and Hand. It’s not until an IDEA comes to the head that art begins, or more ac...