Lamentations: Hayasdan
This music score was submitted for Resonate 2024: An Open Access Call for Scores by the UCLA Music Library with Bent Frequency and Jan Berry Baker.
This music score was submitted for Resonate 2024: An Open Access Call for Scores by the UCLA Music Library with Bent Frequency and Jan Berry Baker.
The skeleton in question derives from the Late Iron Age monument of Nor Armavir and was unearthed from burial No. 19. The deceased was buried in an unusual position. In this article, we characterize the pathological bony changes indicative of tuberculous spondylitis. The skeleton was subject to a detailed macroscopic investigation. Besides age at d...
Au cours de l’histoire contemporaine, le processus d’élaboration d’un droit in-ternational a consacré deux principes : celui du droit des peuples à disposer d’eux-mêmes a été inscrit dans la Charte de l’Onu de 1945, tandis que celui de l’intangibilité des frontières a été affirmé par la jurisprudence internationale et mis en œuvre lors de grands so...
Jradzor est un site de fouilles archéologiques arménien où une faune intéressante a récemment été découverte. Parmi ses différents horizons, l’horizon JZ-7 (3.3 +/- 0.3 Ma) est caractérisé par son riche assemblage de mammifères du Pliocène Terminal. Durant 7 semaines, j’ai travaillé à l’identification des Carnivores de cet horizon au sein du JURASS...
During the first World War, over a million Armenians were killed as Ottoman Turks embarked on a bloody campaign of ethnic cleansing. Scholars have long described these massacres as genocide, one of Hitler’s prime inspirations for the Holocaust, yet the United States did not officially recognize the Armenian Genocide until 2021.
This is the first boo...
Tres relatos de viajes que se desarrollaron entre finales del siglo XIV y las postrimerías del siglo XV constituyen la base de nuestro trabajo. El primero y más antiguo, escrito en francés por el franciscano Jean Dardel, que era el confesor del rey de Armenia León V (1342-1393), cuenta su periplo por España y Francia (1382-1384) después de su cauti...
The first among the three South Caucasus countries to debut at Eurovision, it was no coincidence that Armenia’s first representative, André, was originally from Nagorno-Karabakh. The military dispute over this region, upon Azerbaijan’s inclusion in the contest, caused rivalries to be performed on the Eurovision stage more intensely. In the 21st cen...
status: published
Published in Frontiers in Political Science
This study examines the impact of amalgamation reforms on workload and digital governance within Armenian local authorities, against a backdrop of decentralization and government consolidation. It explores how these reforms affect public servants at different governmental levels and ordinary citizens, highlighting the transition towards e-governanc...
Comment expliquer que la question de la reconnaissance du génocide des Arméniens de 1915-1916 constitue un enjeu de nos jours ? Que nous dit-elle des sensibilités contemporaines à l’événement ? Cet article retrace la politisation progressive de la mémoire du génocide arménien confrontée au négationnisme turc dans la seconde moitié du 20e siècle. Il...