Hourcade, Annie
Selon l’éthique des vertus, le bonheur est la visée de la vie morale et peut être comprisen termes d’accomplissement de soi par l’individu au sein du collectif. Chacun estl’artisan de son propre caractère. Le vertueux sera celui qui aura progressivementet durablement enraciné en lui la vertu en agissant de manière vertueuse, celui quisaura comment,...
Hällgren, Natalia
Epideiktisk retorik har länge betraktats av akademiker med misstänksamhet och som mindre värd att studera än deliberativ och forensisk retorik. Den här uppsatsen är ämnad att ge ett annat perspektiv. Den undersöker olika retoriska tänkare genom tiden, från Aristoteles och Augustinus till Kenneth Burke, Perelman och Olbrechts-Tyteca, samt diverse, m...
Edman, Simon
This essay proposes an understanding of transformation (förvandling) as a bridging between body and soul through active imagination. The act of active imagination is upheld as an act of the spirit, in the sense of being a mediator between body and soul. Three different theories grounded in the philosophy of Aristotle will be put together in order t...
Savér, Matilda
The bachelor’s thesis analyzes the term midpoint in screenwriting and its structural function in feature films. The aim of the study is to explore how the term midpoint has developed over time, going back to the beginning with Aristotle’s theory on story structure in Poetics, in comparison to Blake Snyder, Paul Gulino and Syd Field’s theories from ...
Hopstadius, Anna
The aim of this essay is to investigate the theories of city planning that existed during Greek, Hellenistic and Roman period. Vitruvius, Aristoteles and Hippodamos had thoughts about the placement of the city, the street networks organization and individual buildings proportion, function and neighbors. Aristoteles angle of incidence is pragmatic a...
Dietze-Mager, Gertrud
Published in
An keiner Stelle in seinen Schriften diskutiert Aristoteles das athenische Liturgiesystem, sondern setzt bei seinen wenigen Informationen dazu dessen Kenntnis voraus. An seiner Kritik der athenischen Liturgien im 4. Jahrhundert als ungerechter Belastung der Reichen läßt er allerdings keinen Zweifel. Welches sind die Gründe für seine Ablehnung, und ...
Oreja Martín, Fernando
Diese Arbeit problematisiert "die Sophistik" als Gegenstand der Philosophiegeschichte und stellt die These auf, "die Sophistik" sei das Resultat einer philosophischen Operation. Anhand der kritischen Diskussion relevanter Texte von Platon und Aristoteles wird versucht, eine eigentümliche sophistische λόγος-Form zu rekonstruieren. Der Konflikt zwisc...
Gustavsson, Jacob
Thomas Hobbes first law of nature states that 'each rational man shall and ought to endeavor peace'. Simultaneously, Hobbes first law of nature is perhaps the antithesis of his conception of man in nature (homo naturalis), where man is simply defined as an animal residing in an amoral and arbitrary environment in which every notion of "right and wr...
Oliveira Silva, Paula
This paper analyzes the questions on the science and the immortality of the soul in two 16th-century commentaries on Aristotle’s De anima which subsist in manuscript form from the teaching of philosophy in Coimbra. The positions of the two commentators – Pedro da Fonseca (attr.) and Cristóvão Gil – are totally opposed in relation to both the commen...
Lundberg, Torsten
At the end of his life Husserl writes about Greece as the birthplace of spiritual Europe. Since many of us are critical of the Occident’s footprint in the world, with driven lust for power, materialism and egoism, the question arises of a search for the foundations of ancient Greek culture. Both Greek philosophy and Christianity have an emphasized ...