Publication search
with Arbetsdomstolen as keyword
Björnberg, Jacob
In 1971 the right of re-trial in the Supreme Court was reformed and led to the court becoming a distinct forum for setting precedents. As a consequence of this the possibility of appeal to the Supreme Court was greatly reduced as the court’s primary task would be only to try cases and other issues of importance for the guidance of the application o...
Erlandsson, Amanda
The migration to Sweden has increased in the last few years and in order to diminishsegregation and unemployment among the population, it has been a prioritized matterto help the migrants to enter the Swedish labour market. Employers that set languagerequirements when recruiting can reduce the possibility for a person with a differentethnical backg...
Skilje Kolstad, Julia
The subject of this study is transfer of undertakings and employment protection in cases of outsourcing. The aim of the study is to examine how the Swedish law in the area relates to the EU law. This is done by comparing the Swedish case law of Arbetsdomstolen to the case law of the Court of Justice of the European Union and by critically reviewing...
Westerberg, Hanna
The right to non-discrimination is a fundamental part of human rights. Sweden has enacted legislation which prohibits employers from discriminating or harassing employees and job seekers. Swedish authorities also receive a substantial amount of complaints concerning ethnic discrimination in the workplace every year and there are volumes of research...
Huhta, Linnea Niemi, Anna-Stina
In a society where the recruitment industry is blossoming, it becomes material to investigate the legal rights and obligations of employees, recruitment agencies and employers. In January of 2013 a new law was incorporated in Sweden, as followed by a directive by the European Parliament. The main goal with the assessment was to establish the new le...
Awad, Laura
Bakgrunden till denna uppsats är att i Sverige borde alla medborgare ha samma rätt att uttrycka sin åsikt. Det är en grundläggande rättighet som försvaras i vår grundlag, Regeringsformen 2:1, samt en mänsklig rättighet som skyddas av artikel 10 i Europakonventionen. Av yttrandefriheten följer rätten att som arbetstagare framföra kritik. Yttrandefri...
Calleman, Catharina
Hur har Arbetsdomstolen förhållit sig i intressemotsättningen mellan arbetsgivare och arbetstagare, mellan arbetsledningsrätt och anställningsskydd under den senaste tidens ekonomiska kris? I den här artikeln gör jag en genomgång av Arbetsdomstolens avgöranden om uppsägningar på grund av arbetsbrist under åren 2008–2010. Det kvantitativa resultatet...
Björkman, Cecilia
Witmann, Arnold
Statligt arbetsledarskap och chefskaps skall utövas av individer som är bäst lämpade för uppgifterna. Enligt Regeringsformen skall vid tillsättning av statlig tjänst avseende fästas endast vid sakliga grunder såsom förtjänst och skicklighet. Med stöd av bestämmelserna i förvaltningslagen är myndigheter inte skyldiga att motivera ett anställningsbes...