Mathey, Stanislas
Le contextual cueing (Chun & Jiang 1998) fait référence à un mécanisme de facilitation de la recherche, au cours d’une tâche, dû à l'apprentissage de régularités contextuelles et statistiques prédisant la caractéristique d’une cible. À travers cinq expériences, nous avons étudié les effets de statistical learning spatio-temporel à partir d'images. ...
Volatier, Etienne
La détection de signal est une première étape d'analyse de données exploratoire fondamentale pour la pharmacovigilance, le but final étant de suivre et d'évaluer la sécurité du médicament une fois sa mise sur le marché. Les bases de données utilisées aujourd'hui pour la détection de signal sont essentiellement les bases de notifications spontanées ...
Guo, Teng
Based on a cognitive approach to the inner structure of writing systems and the existing literature on explicit instruction, statistical learning, and the syllabic bridge theory, we proposed a theoretical framework in which a level of associative units mediates between orthographic and phonological representations. The research presented in this th...
Ouerghi, Elyes
This thesis addresses the detection of methane plume emissions using satellite imagery. The detection of methane (CH4) leaks from anthropogenic activities is a cost-effective and global approach, which is able to rapidly reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. In this thesis we study matched filter techniques. We formalize the concept of matched fil...
Hulcelle, Marc
Trust is an important psychological construct in HRI as it mitagates the relationship qualities between partners of an interaction, as well as the performance of the interaction's task. Research on trust were essentially organized around the study of socio-psychological effects of the robot's design and behavior on users. Trust is usually measured ...
Bonafos, Guillem
Aux alentours de son premier anniversaire, l'enfant humain prononce son premier mot. Cette première production n'est pourtant pas le début de son apprentissage de la langue. Celui-ci commence dès sa naissance. En effet, tout au long de sa première année, l'enfant développe des capacités motrices lui permettant de produire une gamme de vocalisations...
Albazzal, Hussein Noisette, Florent Vanaret, Jules Wang, Wanqing
Palud, Pierre
The interstellar medium (ISM) is a very diffuse medium that fills the extraordinarily large volume between celestial objects such as stars and black holes in a galaxy. The study of the ISM raises fundamental questions including star formation. Stars are born from the gravitational collapse of a part of cold and dense regions of the ISM called molec...
Palud, Pierre
The interstellar medium (ISM) is a very diffuse medium that fills the extraordinarily large volume between celestial objects such as stars and black holes in a galaxy. The study of the ISM raises fundamental questions including star formation. Stars are born from the gravitational collapse of a part of cold and dense regions of the ISM called molec...
Pavão, Adrien
We develop and study a systematic and unified methodology to organize and use scientific challenges in research, particularly in the domain of machine learning (data-driven artificial intelligence). As of today, challenges are becoming more and more popular as a pedagogic tool and as a means of pushing the state-of-the-art by engaging scientists of...