Poirier, Jeanne
Le plumage est essentiel à la survie des oiseaux car il contribue à des fonctions essentielles telles que le vol, l'imperméabilité et la thermorégulation. La structure des plumes répond à diverses contraintes d'élasticité, de flexibilité et de résistance. Leur morphologie peut varier considérablement en fonction de leur emplacement et de leur degré...
Dujon, Antoine M Jeanjean, Jérémy Vincze, Orsolya Giraudeau, Mathieu Lemaître, Jean-François Pujol, Pascal Ujvari, Beata Thomas, Frédéric
Published in
Ecology and evolution
The hygiene hypothesis, according to which the recent reduction of exposure to infectious agents in the human species would be the origin of various diseases, including autoimmune diseases and cancer, has often been proposed but not properly tested on animals. Here, we evaluated the relevance of this hypothesis to cancer risk in mammals in an origi...
Cadmus, S.I.B Daramola, O.F
The use of animals in research has played significant roles in improving the quality of health of humans and animals. Despite these benefits, however, animals’ use in research has been subjected to oppositions on the basis of ethics and research procedures that inflict distress and compromises the welfare of the animals used. Efforts made by the in...
Salak-Johnson, Janeen
Published in
Journal of Animal Science
Institutions that engage in animal research and production must ensure that high standards of animal care and use meet expectations of society while being ethical stewards of the animals they use in research. In order to achieve engagement in best practices, the Ag Guide is the most appropriate standard for assessing agricultural animals used in re...
MacNeil, Michael D
Published in
Journal of Animal Science
The Guide for the Care and Use of Agricultural Animals in Research and Teaching, commonly known as the Ag Guide, is published jointly by the American Dairy Science Association®, the American Society of Animal Science, and the Poultry Science Association under an open access creative commons license. At present, its 4th edition is under development ...
Krebber, André
Published in
Food Ethics
The paper discusses the potential for recognizing animals as autonomous individuals through a critique of the handling of suffering of terminally ill companion animals. To this end, it offers three distinct reflections on animal suffering through immanent readings of the painting The Death of the Stag (1786) by Benjamin West (1738–1820), a personal...
Cooke, Steven J. Wilson, Alexander D. M. Elvidge, Chris K. Lennox, Robert J. Jepsen, Niels Colotelo, Alison H. Brown, Richard S.
Published in
Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries
Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee’s (IACUCs) serve an important role in ensuring that ethical practices are used by researchers working with vertebrate taxa including fish. With a growing number of researchers working on fish in the field and expanding mandates of IACUCs to regulate field work, there is potential for interactions between ...
Luna, Stélio Pacca Loureiro Cassu, R. N. Castro, G. B. Teixeira Neto, Francisco José Silvia Júnior, J. R. Lopes, Maria Denise
Twenty-four bitches which had been in labour for less than 12 hours were randomly divided into four groups of six. They all received 0(.)5 mg/kg of chlorpromazine intravenously as premedication, followed 15 minutes later by either 8 mg/kg of thiopentone intravenously (group 1), 2 mg/kg of ketamine and 0-5 mg/kg of midazolam intravenously (group 2),...
Luna, Stélio Pacca Loureiro Cassu, R. N. Castro, G. B. Teixeira Neto, Francisco José Silvia Júnior, J. R. Lopes, Maria Denise
Twenty-four bitches which had been in labour for less than 12 hours were randomly divided into four groups of six. They all received 0(.)5 mg/kg of chlorpromazine intravenously as premedication, followed 15 minutes later by either 8 mg/kg of thiopentone intravenously (group 1), 2 mg/kg of ketamine and 0-5 mg/kg of midazolam intravenously (group 2),...
Luna, Stélio Pacca Loureiro Cassu, R. N. Castro, G. B. Teixeira Neto, Francisco José Silvia Júnior, J. R. Lopes, Maria Denise
Twenty-four bitches which had been in labour for less than 12 hours were randomly divided into four groups of six. They all received 0(.)5 mg/kg of chlorpromazine intravenously as premedication, followed 15 minutes later by either 8 mg/kg of thiopentone intravenously (group 1), 2 mg/kg of ketamine and 0-5 mg/kg of midazolam intravenously (group 2),...