Skamarda Sapoval, Irina
The project shown is an exploratory approach to the documentary photographic record of certain people relevant to the author who are part of what she calls a "community" taking the poetic and literary definition given by the feminist Monique Wittig in her "Draft for a dictionary of lovers". The result is a compilation of images of these people who ...
Zamora Huerta, Cintia Catalina Álvarez Cuevas, Silvia María Peña Castillo, Reyna Faride
This paper describes the reflexive process within the framework of a psychotherapeutic case addressed with Systemic Therapy, analyzing the role of social support as an important element to improve a woman's emotional state derived from a separation. In this Systemic Therapy single-case clinical study, the main research tool was the content analysis...
Duarte, Indianandra Thomasi Pereira Pretto Carlesso, Janaína
The objective of this study was to verify the influence of the American series Friends in the viewer subjects, analyzing the emotional reactions that it can mobilize in the individual and their contributions in the process of construction and reconstruction of the subjectivity through the conceptions of Psychoanalysis. The methodology used to evalu...
Reynoso González, Oscar Ulises Caldera Montes, Juan Francisco Torre Trujillo, Viviana de la Martínez Sánchez, Alejandra Macías González, Gregorio Alejandro
Resumen El presente trabajo tuvo como objetivos identificar la relación entre el autoconcepto y el apoyo social en jóvenes bachilleres, comparar ambas variables según el sexo de los estudiantes y, finalmente, reconocer la fuerza de las dimensiones del apoyo social en la predicción del autoconcepto. La muestra estuvo compuesta por 567 alumnos. Los i...
Jorge, Kelly Oliva Ferreira, Raquel Conceição Ferreira, Efigênia Ferreira e Kawachi, Ichiro Zarzar, Patrícia Maria Pordeus, Isabela Almeida
O estudo teve como objetivo examinar o uso de drogas ilícitas e as associações com fatores socioeconômicos e influência do grupo de pares entre adolescentes brasileiros de 15 a 19 anos de idade. Foi adotada uma amostra de clusters em dois estágios, com a seleção aleatória de escolas públicas e privadas entre os nove distritos administrativos de uma...
Mejía Martínez, Amalia Armendáriz García, Nora Angélica Alonso Castillo, Magdalena Oliva Rodríguez, Nora Nelly
Introducción: En la población adolescente la calidad de amistad se asocia con el desarrollo de conductas protectoras, no obstante es escasa la investigación que ha sido realizada para determinar si la percepción de la calidad de amistad es determinante en el consumo de alcohol, por tal motivo los objetivos del presente estudio fueron determinar la ...
Campos, Ipojucan Dias
The following reflections were based on divorce proceedings filed in the city of Belém-PA between 1895 and 1900. In these records it was noted that the formal accusation was not sufficient to the conviction of the defendant in the Court of Justice of the State of Pará then elaborated other imputations and became essential to the possibilities of co...
De la Torre Trujillo, Viviana Martínez Sánchez, Alejandra Macías González, Gregorio Alejandro Reynoso González, Óscar Ulises Caldera Montes, Juan Francisco
The objectives of this work were to identify the relationship between self-concept and social support in high school students, compare both variables according to sex and, finally, recognize the strength of the dimensions of social support (family and friends) in the prediction of self-concept. The sample consisted of 567 students. The instruments ...
Andrade Palos, Patricia Betancourt Ocampo, Diana Moreno Carmona, Norman Darío Alvis Rizzo, Alexander
The objective of this research was to analyze and compare the external strengths of adolescents from Mexico and Colombia with different levels of substance use. It was a non-experimental and cross-sectional field research project involving 1,987 male and female adolescents (49.87% from Colombia and 50.13% from Mexico) with an average age of 16.64 y...
Souza Agra Belmonte, Terezinha de Ramos, Ricardo Luiz Parreira Mendes, Felismina Rosa Ribeiro Garrido Iglesias, Antônio Carlos...
Objetivo: Diagnosticar a Amizade como estratégia didática. Métodos: Estudo qualitativo exploratório e descritivo. Questão norteadora: o que é Amizade e um professor amigo? Resultados: A sala de aula, Medicina Psicossomática, 2015 / 2º Semestre; 16 alunos brancos, no 6º, 7º e 8º períodos da medicina; 2, segunda graduação; 12 sexo feminino /4 masculi...