Blumenthal, Christian
Published in
Zeitschrift für die neutestamentliche Wissenschaft
Die vorliegende Untersuchung fragt nach dem argumentationsstrategischen Potential der Mehrdeutigkeit der Gottgleichheitsaussage in Phil 2,6b. Es wird die Annahme durchgespielt, dass Paulus diese Mehrdeutigkeit strategisch in seiner Argumentation in 1,27–2,18 einsetzt und seine Adressaten durch die elliptische Formulierung von 2,5b auf diese Mehrdeu...
Dorschel, Robert Brandt, Philipp
Published in
Zeitschrift für Soziologie
Der Beitrag fragt, welche Deutungsmuster mit der Konstruktion und Subjektivierung der aufsteigenden Berufsgruppe der ‚Data Scientists‘ einhergehen. Aus soziologischer Perspektive beruht ihre fortschreitende Institutionalisierung maßgeblich auf Objektivierungsprozessen sozialer Wissensbestände. Anhand einer diskursanalytischen Auswertung von Stellen...
Levitt, Heidi M Piazza-Bonin, Elizabeth
Published in
Psychotherapy research : journal of the Society for Psychotherapy Research
An understanding of clinical wisdom is put forward, characterized by markers and principles for practice, to guide therapy processes within therapists' intentionality and direct research on common factors.
Ketteler, Daniel Matthias
In the present study, I was interested in the neurofunctional representation of ambiguity processing by using functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI). The aim of this study was to combine linguistic, neurolinguistic and neuroscientific points of view to develop a consistent model regarding the neural processing of ambiguity. Connectionist mode...
Gergen, Mary Jones, Kip
Conversing by e-mail and mediated by an imaginary cyber-moderator, two of the co-editors of this Special Issue on Performative Social Science (PSS) Mary GERGEN and Kip JONES, themselves pioneers of PSS, engage in conversation around such topics as creativity, skill and craft, outputs and outcomes, aesthetics, audience, evaluation, interpretation, s...
Klinke, Andreas Renn, Ortwin
Systemic risks are a product of profound and rapid technological, economic and social changes that the modern world experiences every day. They are characterised by high complexity, uncertainty, ambiguity, and ripple effects. Due to these characters systemic risks are overextending established risk management and creating new, unsolved challenges f...
Cettier, Patrick
I developed key indicators for ambiguity based on findings in the fields of ambiguity-, media- and communication research. These indicators describe information states where an increased risk perception exists or may arise. These indicators are: Too little, too much, many undifferentiated, contradictory, negative information. To explain and justify...