Gulya, Jason John
Several years ago, I noticed that the widespread distinction between high and low culture was wreaking havoc on my classroom. My students would read and analyze texts like Robinson Crusoe and Pride and Prejudice with little to no prompting because (in their minds) these texts were already part of the recognized canon and it was therefore permissibl...
Ghasemibarghi, Ali
The ruins of Persepolis, the ceremonial capital of the Achaemenid Empire (559–330 BCE), are celebrated as a cultural heritage site and national monument in Iran. In 1971, these ruins became the setting for the Celebration of the 2,500th Anniversary of the Founding of the Persian Empire, orchestrated by Mohammad Reza Pahlavi. The Pahlavi regime aime...
Salvagnini Zanazzo, Giovanni
L’articolo intende indagare la tangenza della raccolta Bestie di Federigo Tozzi con il genere fantastico. Sebbene l’apparizione seriale degli animali in ciascuno dei frammenti rimandi senz’altro ad aspetti perturbanti, l’io narrante non appare incline a svilupparne le premesse, rimanendo chiuso su se stesso in un egotismo privo di evoluzione. In qu...
Poulsen, Frank Ejby
This article analyzes three visual works representing the 1789 Declaration of the Rights of Man attributed to Le Barbier: two paintings and one engraving. The article makes the hypothesis that one painting was executed shortly after the Declaration in August 1789, while the other was made after the engraving, dated November 5, 1790. Treating visual...
Escuela Cruz, Chaxiraxi María
On August 19, 1925, Walter Benjamin and Asja Lacis published Naples in Frankfurter Zeitung. It is an essay about the Italian city, where they analyze the customs and cultural practices of the area through a peculiar method of image superimposition. It is common to interpret One-Way Street as the work in which Benjamin first approaches physiognomy a...
Calabrese, Claudio César Junco de Calabrese, Ethel
If allegory is fundamentally a way of reading and writing (in short, of think-ing), which, in a Christian key, is linked to personal salvation, this activity, in fact, cannot be obviously separated from the act of faith, nor in the fundamental desire of God, that is, that impulse that returns the human being to his perfection. The always renewed ha...
Campos, Liliane
This article theorizes the disruptive epistemic work performed by microcosms in recent eco-fiction. Contemporary fiction often explores large-scale ecological disruption through smaller organisms and environments, enabling readers to perceive the Earth through analogy, allegory and metaphor. Within and against this scale-free reading, I argue that ...
Castro Pulido, Santiago Raul Ernesto
[ES] Una bandera es en principio una tela cosida y/o pintada en colores que representa usualmente a un grupo humano. Esa tela designa generalmente un rectángulo, es decir que una bandera se puede atender formalmente como un cuadro. Sin embargo, la formalidad de la bandera se ve afectada por la historia, la cultura, la economía y los hechos humanos ...
De Marco, Rosa
Cette contribution vise à considérer l’évolution de la perception de l’enfance à travers les représentations enfantines dans les compositions icono-textuelles des livres d’amis. L'analyse est menée sur des exemples prestigeux d'alba amicorum, du XVIe au XVIIe siècles.
Lavocat, Françoise