Püttmanns, Manuel Böttges, Laura Filla, Tim Lehmann, Franziska Martens, Annika Sophie Siegel, Friederike Sippel, Anna von Bassi, Marlene Balkenhol, Niko Waltert, Matthias
Published in
Ecology and evolution
Reduced food availability during chick raising is a major driver of farmland bird declines. For the Eurasian Skylark (Alauda arvensis), food availability is determined by various factors (i.e., arthropod abundance/diversity, accessibility of the vegetation, distance to foraging sites). In modern farmland, it is supposed to decrease over the breedin...
Visser, Tim Melman, Dick
De monitoring van het agrarisch richt zich tot dusver met name op het in beeld brengen van de abundantie (aantallen) van de doelsoorten. Het primaire effect van het agrarisch natuurbeheer is evenwel de beïnvloeding van de habitatkwaliteit. Deze veranderde habitatkwaliteit vertaalt zich op termijn als het goed is in een verandering van de abundanti...
Visser, Tim Melman, Dick Staritsky, Igor
Het kennissysteem voor Agrarisch Natuurbeheer, Beheer-op-Maat (BoM), is in 2019 op een aantal aspecten aangepast aan de wensen van de gebruikers (beheercollectieven). De kaartlagen die aan de basis staan van het kennissysteem – de openheid van het landschap, de bodemvochtigheid, de aanwezigheid van verstorende bronnen en de zwaarte van het gewas – ...
Topping, Christopher John Luttik, Robert
Published in
Regulatory toxicology and pharmacology : RTP
Specific protection goals (SPGs) comprise an explicit expression of the environmental components that need protection and the maximum impacts that can be tolerated. SPGs are set by risk managers and are typically based on protecting populations or functions. However, the measurable endpoints available to risk managers, at least for vertebrates, are...
Dierickx, Elisa Gwenda Godelieve
The Raso lark is a Critically Endangered bird endemic to the islet of Raso, Cape Verde. This thesis investigates two phenomena that particularly put the species at risk: its extreme fluctuations in population size, and its potentially very low genetic diversity arising from small population size and severe past population contraction. More specific...
Zhao, Lidan Gao, Lijun Yang, Wenyu Xu, Xianglong Wang, Weiwei Liang, Wei Zhang, Shuping
Published in
Avian Research
BackgroundPhysiological preparation for reproduction in small passerines involves the increased secretion of reproductive hormones, elevation of the metabolic rate and energy storage, all of which are essential for reproduction. However, it is unclear whether the timing of the physiological processes involved is the same in resident and migrant spe...
Eraud, Cyril Cadet, Emilie Powolny, Thibaut Gaba, Sabrina Bretagnolle, François Bretagnolle, Vincent
Published in
European Journal of Wildlife Research
Assessing the diet of farmland birds during the wintering period has important implications for conservation. However, for some species such as the skylark, the diet composition remains poorly known across its wintering range. On the basis of gizzards collected in mid-winter over a 10-year interval and in two regions of Western France, we quantifie...
Geberzahn, Nicole Aubin, Thierry
Published in
BMC Biology
BackgroundVocal performance refers to the ability to produce vocal signals close to physical limits. Such motor skills can be used by conspecifics to assess a signaler’s competitive potential. For example it is difficult for birds to produce repeated syllables both rapidly and with a broad frequency bandwidth. Deviation from an upper-bound regressi...
Geberzahn, Nicole Aubin, Thierry
Published in
Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology
In songbirds of the temperate zone, often only males sing and their songs serve to attract females and to deter territorial rivals. In many species, males vary certain aspects of their singing behavior when engaged in territorial interactions. Such variation may be an honest signal of the traits of the signaler, such as fighting strength, condition...
Geberzahn, Nicole Aubin, Thierry
Published in
Behavioral ecology and sociobiology
In songbirds of the temperate zone, often only males sing and their songs serve to attract females and to deter territorial rivals. In many species, males vary certain aspects of their singing behavior when engaged in territorial interactions. Such variation may be an honest signal of the traits of the signaler, such as fighting strength, condition...