Siklund, Emilia Strindhag, Lisa
This study examines how the Swedish newspaper Aftonbladet reports and portrays female elite athletes compared to male elite athletes in their sport supplement during 2023. In order to achieve the purpose of the studie, Aftonbladet ́s reporting during 2023 is examined through a quantitative content analysis. Based on framing theory and agenda settin...
Härviden, Matilda
Den här studien ämnar att undersöka hur fyra nyhetsmedier: Aftonbladet, Expressen, Svenska Dagbladet och Dagens Nyheter, framställer det vita snuset och kopplar resultaten med hur det kan påverka trender bland ungdomar. När det vita snuset lanserades 2016 ingick inte det i lagen om tobaksprodukter vilket innebar att snuset kunde marknadsföras och s...
Norlén, William
The purpose of this study was to analyze how two major online newspapers, &, have framed and portrayed the actions of the environmental organization Återställ Våtmarker in their reporting. Additionally, the study also examines whether the portrayal of the organization has changed over time. A qualitative content analysis...
Thelin, Beatrice Abrahamsson, Siri
This study aims to analyze and understand how the film Barbie (Gerwig, 2023) influences young people's perceptions of beauty ideals and body image. Through the analysis of body observation and beauty in the film Barbie, this research seeks to highlight how beauty ideals are portrayed in the film by young individuals. The purpose is also to identify...
Anestad Nilsson, Frida
This study centers on the trending phenomenon 'soft girl', which gained traction on TikTok's platform in 2024. The study delves into how this trend is depicted across two specific TikTok accounts and within articles published by Aftonbladet. Recognizing the multimodal nature of TikTok videos, the study employs a Multimodal Critical Discourse Analys...
Forsberg, Alma Berg, Ella
This study analyzes how the film Barbie from 2023 portrays different gender roles and power relations between men and women. The purpose of the study is to investigate how traditional gender norms and power relations are confirmed and questioned in the film. The film is about how Barbie lives in a fictional society that is a matriarchy. In the film...
Gribajcevic, Ida
The focus of this research paper is to analyze three Swedish travelogues and news paper reportage of Yugoslavia between the years 1950 and 1970. This is achieved through applying three theoretical concepts on the source material: Yugoslavism, Tourist gaze and Gender. The theoretical structure has aimed to understand how the sources define and write...
Östman, William Vendelbo, Niklas
In the advancement of technology, one innovation has taken the world by storm:AI. The way media portrays various subjects might affect how they are received by society at large, therefore this study aims to understand the tone and portrayal of AI in Swedish mews media in order to see how AI is presented to the society today. To examine how AI is de...
Halléni, Natalie Jönsson, Emmie
Sustainability and climate change are current topics in today's society. Companies must work more environmentally friendly and sustainably to meet society's demands. The strategies also require transparency throughout the entire process, from production to consumption. The companies' green sustainability responsibilities have often been shown to be...
Issa Abdalrahim, Yaser Kitmiri, Edon
This study analyzed how mass media portrays specific groups of actors involved in burnings of the quran, more precisely, burners of the quran and demonstrators opposed to it. The study has compiled 18 digitally published news articles derived from four different news agencies. By using critical discourse analysis as a theoretical and methodological...