Mesny, Louis Alcorta, Roberto Chesné, Simon Baguet, Sébastien
This article studies a hybrid nonlinear vibration absorber. It consists of a passive part (a Nonlinear Energy Sink) and an active part (electromagnetic transducer). This work aims to tune the internal properties of the NES in real time, such that the activation threshold and effective energy pumping mechanism are maintained under varying operating ...
Ezzine, Mouhamed Mounibe
Deux approches de diminution du bruit d'origine aéroacoustique associé à l'OGV des moteurs d'avion ont été examinées dans cette thèse. La première repose sur des solutions passives, utilisant des matériaux comme de la mousse poreuse et du tissu métallique (wire mesh) pour atténuer le bruit. L'efficacité de ces matériaux a été testée dans diverses c...
de Bono, Emanuele Collet, Manuel Ouisse, Morvan
International audience
Pedersén, Henrik
This research explores the integration of Stewart platform technology for image stabilization, aiming minimize accelerations and rotation. A prototype Stewart platform is constructed to stabilize camera equipment, with a focus on mitigating unwanted motion. The prototype is able to achieve accelerations of 0.8 m/s^2 and lessen acceleration of less ...
Dietrich, Jennifer Raze, Ghislain Deraemaeker, Arnaud Collette, Christophe Kerschen, Gaëtan
peer reviewed / This paper presents an exact H∞ tuning methodology for a positive position feedback (PPF) controller applied to a single-degree-of-freedom (SDOF) system. To this end, an equivalence between the closed-loop receptances of a PPF controller and a resistive-inductive shunt with a negative capacitance is put forward, which, in turn, enab...
Juchem, Jasper Geyskens, ir. Sarah Dekemele, Kevin Loccufier, Mia
Mitigating vibrations in engineering structures is of key interest, as they can lead to failure and/or discomfort. However, in some cases it is not feasible to actuate all the structure's degrees of freedom, which makes vibration mitigation difficult. In this work, we investigate the addition of a single one-degree-of-freedom virtual mechanical sys...
Friot, Emmanuel Pinhède, Cédric Herzog, Philippe Boulandet, Romain
Numerical simulations were carried out to optimize the design of an active semi-anechoic room. The active set-up includes control sources and microphones near the room ceiling and walls. The objective is to achieve global control, around an a priori unknown primary source, of the low-frequency wall reflections that are not adequately managed by abs...
Bastida Molina, Cristina
[ES] En la actualidad, el cambio climático obliga a buscar formas alternativas de consumir energía. En este sentido, los medios de transporte deben evolucionar hacia sistemas menos contaminantes. Los ferrocarriles eléctricos son una contribución importante a la descarbonización del transporte, apoyando directamente los ODS 9, 11 y 13. El vehículo f...
Gazengel, Bruno Ayrault, Christophe Melon, Manuel Cavailles, Colas
In the brass instrument family, the radiated sound can be modified or attenuated using a mute, which is usually inserted in the bell of the instrument. However, this mute cannot control the directivity of the instrument. It could be interesting to develop an active mute which focuses the sound on the instrument player. The objective of this paper i...
Martos, Vincent Boutin, Henri Hélie, Thomas d'Andréa-Novel, Brigitte
The application of active control to brass instruments brings many benefits to composers and performers, by expanding its sound possibilities. In this paper, we propose to simulate the connection of a static human vocal tract, downstream of the bell, so that the instrument radiates a vowel. To this end, we modulate the spectral envelope of the radi...